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Dec 27, 2014

Miracles that took place at the time of Beloved Prophet's Blessed Birth

The birth of our Beloved Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, together with Its miracles have been transmitted to us by his mother Sayyidah Aamina (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha) and those in attendance.

و كونه رافعاً رأسه عندما وضعته شاخصاً ببصره إلى السماء ، و ما رأته من النور الذي خرج معه ولادته ، و ما رأته إذ ذاك أم عثمان بن أبي العاص من تدلي النجوم ، و ظهور النور عند ولادته ، حتى ما تنظر إلا النور
As our beloved Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, was born a radiant light accompanied him and he lifted his head towards the heavens and the mother of Uthman's Abil-As's son witnessed stars lowering themselves and a light so bright appeared that she could see nothing other than light.

Dalail an-Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqi, Vol. 1, Page 113
Musnad Imam Ahmad, Vol. 4, Page 127

Abu Nu’aym reports from Abdullah bin Abbas (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhuma), who narrated that the mother of the Messenger (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam), Sayyidah Amina (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha) used to state,

لما خرج من بطني فنظرت اليه فاذا انابه ساجد ثم رايت سحابة بيضاء قد اقبلت من السماء حتى غشيته فغيب عن وجھي ، ثم تجلت فاذا انابه مدرج في ثوب صوف ابيض وتحته حريرة خضراء وقد قبض على ثلٰثة مفاتيح من اللؤلوء الرطب واذا قائل يقول قبض محمد على مفاتيح النصرة ومفاتيح الربح ومفاتيح النبوة ثم اقبلت سحابة اخرٰى حتى غشيته فغيب عن عيني ثم تجلت فاذا انابه قد قبض على حريرة خضراء مطوية واذ قائل يقول بخٍ بخٍ قبض محمد على الدنيا کلھا لم يبق خلق من اھلھا الادخل في قبضته
“When the Messenger of Allah
(SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) was born, he fell straight into prostration. Then I saw a white cloud from the sky appearing and covering the Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) such that HE (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) disappeared from me. When the cloud appeared, I saw that the Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) was covered in a white woolly shawl and there was a green mat spread on the floor. Within the hands of the Messenger (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) there were three keys made of diamonds and there was an unseen voice heard saying, ‘The Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) has grasped the key of giving victory, the key of giving benefit and the key of Prophethood.’ Then I saw another cloud which enclosed the Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) such that he disappeared from my view and it became illuminated. I saw that the Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) is holding a folded piece of green silk in his blessed hands and an unseen voice was heard was saying, ‘How great! How great! The Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) has grasped the whole world; all the creation has entered into his grasp, with none left out.’”

Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, narrated from ibn Mas’ud RadiAllahu Anhu, [Al-Maktab al-Islami, Beirut], Vol. 1, Page 386
Sunan al-Darimi, the chapter on Ma U’tiya al-Nabiyyu Min al-Fadl, [Dar al-Mahasin li al-Taba’ah, Cairo], Vol. 1, Page 30
Al-Khasais al-Kubra, the chapter on Ma Zahara Fi Lailat Moulidi, [Markaz Ahl Sunnat, Gujarat], Vol. 1, Page 48

Ash Shifa, the mother of Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf (Radi Allahu Anhuma) attended his birth and tells us,

لما سقط صلى الله عليه و سلم على يدي و استهل سمعت قائلاً يقول : رحمك الله ، و أضاء لي ما بين المشرق و المغرب حتى نظرت إلى قصور الروم
"When he dropped into my hands he sneezed and I heard a voice saying, 'May Allah have mercy upon you!' The entire horizon became illuminated for me whereby I was able to see the castle of the Greeks."

Dalail an-Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqi, Vol. 1, Page 12
Dalail an-Nabuwwah li Abi Nu'aym, Vol. 1, Page 136

On the authority of Abdullah ibn Abbas (Radi Allahu Anhuma) who narrates;

كان من دلالات حمل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أن كل دابة كانت لقريش نطقت تلك الليلة وقالت : حمل برسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ورب الكعبة ، وهو أمان الدنيا وسراج أهلها
“One of the signs of the birth of the Prophet
(SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) was that all the animals of the Quraysh talked that night and said, ‘We swear by the Lord of the Ka’ba! That Prophet is coming who is the guardian/protector of the entire world and is the sun of its people” (shedding the light of guidance). [Al-Khasais al-Kubra with reference to Abi Nu’aym from ibn ‘Abbās Radi Allahu Anhu, the chapter on Ma Dhahara Fi Layla Moulidihi, (Markaz Ahl Sunnat, Gujarat), Vol. 1, Page 47]

Hafidh al-Iraqi mentioned in his book, Al-Mawrid Al-Haniyyu fi Mawlidis Saniyyi, from the route of Baqi Ibn Makhlad,

ومن الآيات التي ظهرت لمولده صلى الله عليه وسلم أن الشياطين رميت وقذفت بالشهب من السماء، وحُجب عنها خبر السماء كما ذكر بعض العلماء، لكن المشهور والمحفوظ أن قَذف الشياطين بالشهب عند مبعثه صلى الله عليه وسلم. ومنها أن إبليس حُجب عن خبر السماء فصاح ورنَّ رَنَّةً عظيمةً كما رنَّ حين لُعن، وحين أخرج من الجنة، وحين وُلد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، وحين نزلت الفاتحة
“Some scholars mentioned that another sign which accompanied the birth of the Prophet was that the devils were stricken with falling stars and were blocked from hearing any of the news exchanged by the angels in the sky. Among the signs is that Iblis, the forefather of the devils, was blocked from the news of the sky so he rang out a very loud scream. Likewise, he rang out when he was damned, when he was taken out of Paradise, and when the Chapter of the Fatihah was revealed.” [Al-Mawrid Al-Haniyyu fi Mawlidis Saniyyi]

Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Muhammad al-Harari records from Al-Bayhaqi in his book Ar-Rawaeh al-Zakiyya fi Mawlidi Khayiril Bariyyah:

ومنها ما سُمع من أجواف الأصنام ومن أصوات الهواتف بالبشارة بظهور الحق في وقت الزوال
Also among the signs are the sounds that were heard at the time of Zawal (beginning of noon time) coming from the interiors of the idols in Makkah announcing the good news of the arrival of Prophet Muhammad
(SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam). [Ar-Rawaeh al-Zakiyya fi Mawlidi Khayiril Bariyyah, Page 28]

Bayhaqi and Ibn Asakir and others narrated from Hani al-Makhzumi that he said:

At the birth of the beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) every idol fell on its face; and the palaces of Chosroes, emperor of Persia, trembled, and fourteen of the towers fell; Lake Sawah that was worshiped disappeared; The Valley of Samavah, where for a number of years no water had been seen, now flowed with that element; The fire of Fars, which had not been extinguished for a thousand years, were quenched that night, on which likewise, the wisest of the Magian clerics dreamed that a number of strong camels led the horses of Arabia across the Tigris into their territory. On that night a light appeared in Hijaz filling the whole world and moving eastward; on the morning following, the thrones of all the kings were found reversed; the skill of the soothsayers (fortune-teller) departed, the magic of the sorcerers ended.

  • The fourteen (14) fallen balconies from the palace of Kisra mentioned in the hadith was a sign that the ruler ship of the Persians would last for only fourteen (14) more Persian kings.  And this is what happened — the fourteenth (and last) Persian king ruled during the caliphate of Sayyiduna Uthman Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu.

  • The fire of the Persians is in reference to a fire that they had kept burning day and night for one thousand (1,000) years. At the time of the birth of the Prophet, the Persians were fire-worshipers. They worshipped the fire unrightfully. On the night of the birth of the Prophet, this fire went out — a sign of the truthful call of Prophet Muhammad to worship Allah alone.

  • The lake of Sawah/Sivah that was worshiped mentioned in the hadith was a lake so vast that ships used to sail in it. It dried up when the Prophet was born.
The blessed, radiant, honored, illuminated, fragrant, beautiful, sweet, admired, adored, esteemed, celebrated,
revered, respected, eulogized, delightful, angelic, elegant, beauteous, beloved, cherished, precious,
ambrosial, perfumed, lovely, magnificent, marvellous house where The Beloved Prophet
MuHammad [SallAllahu 'Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam] was born.

Dec 24, 2014

Maulidi - PT 1 (Kiswahili)

Assalaamu alaikum,

Natumai hamjambo na mpo katika maandalizi ya shamra shamra za Maulidi (mazazi ya Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam, mwezi ambao unaanza kesho (kwa hapa TZ).

In sha Allah nitakuwa nikituma risala kuhusiana na sifa za Mtume Swallallahu Alaihi Wasallam kama ilivyo ndani ya Quran na Hadithi na pia masuala ya wapingao Maulidi.

Eleweni ya kuwa siku ya Maulidi kwa mwaka huu ni Jumapili 4/1/2014, ina maana itasomwa Jumamosi usiku. Kwa kuwa mwezi huu unaitwa RABI-UL-AWWAL (Mfungo 6), RABI' maana yake ni furaha, hivyo ninamuomba kila mmoja wetu ajitahidi kusoma Maulidi nyumbani kwake hata kama na familia yake tu, walau mara moja katika mwezi huu; in sha Allah itamletea faida kubwa.


Baada ya kumshukuru Allah na kumtakia Rahma Mtume Muhammad Swall-Allahu Alaihi wasallam, aya hapo juu ya 15 kutoka Sura Al Maidah (15), inayozungumzia kuletwa kwa Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam.

TAFISIRI: Enyi watu wa Kitabu! Amekujieni Mtume wetu anaekufichulieni mengi mliyokuwa mkiyaficha katika kitabu na anaesamehe mengi. Bila shaka imekujieni kutoka kwa Allah Nuru na Kitabu kinachobainisha.

Allah Azza waJallah amesema: "Hakika imekuja kwenu Nuru" (Quran 5:15). Vivyo hivyo kuna aya nyingi za Quran Tukufu zinazoelezea kuja kwa Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam hapa duniani. Mmojawapo ya aya inasema: "Hatukupeleka wewe ila uwe ni Rahma kwa walimwengu" (Quran 21:107), pia "Hakika imekuja kwenu Nuru na uthibitisho iliyowazi" (Quran 5:15), pia "Hakika amekuja Mtume miongoni mwenu" (Quran 9:128) na pia "Allah Ana Hisani juu ya Waumini kwa kumleta Mtume miongoni mwao" (Quran 3:164). Vile vile kuna aya nyingi za namna hii na hata kwenye Hadithi imeelezwa kuja kwa Mtume.
Kuelezea kuja kwa Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam, imetajwa kama: "Ewe Habibi Nimekutuma …", "Mtume amekuja …" na "ameletwa …".Mmoja akichunguza kwa makini maneno haya, ataamini kabisa kuwa mtu analetwa au kupelekwa ni yule alikuwepo sehemu moja mwanzoni. Hivyo itabidi tukubali kuwa Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam – Roho ya ulimwengu, tumaini la shida, Masiha kwa watu, Rahma kwa walimwengu – alikuwa sehemu fulani kabla ya kuletwa hapa duniani. Kabla ya kuletwa Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam, hali ya dunia haikuwa nzuri. Kila kitu kilikuwa katika mchafuko. Ukafiri ulikuwa umeenea kila sehemu. Ulevi, kamari, riba na rushwa ilikuwa ni jambo la kawaida. Mitaani zinaa, ndoa ya jinsia moja, husuda, kusengenya, uadui na chuki zilienea. Ufidhuli, unyang'anyi na uuaji ilikuwa ndiyo maisha ya kila siku. Hapakuwepo hata herufu ya upendo, heshima na unyenyekevu miongoni mwa watu. Pia hapakuwepo na hifadhi ya maisha na mali. Jumuiya iliharibika sana kiasi cha mzazi kumzika hai binti wake. Katika wakati wa uharibifu kama huo, tumaini kwa wadhaifu, Rahma kutoka kwa Allah, Mtume wetu Mpendwa Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam alizaliwa alfajiri ya Jumatatu, mwezi 12 Mfungo 6 (Rabi-ul-Awwal). Siku ya kuzaliwa Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam, ulimwengu mzima uliingia mwangaza, ukafiri ulianza kuvurugika, moto wa uajemi ulizimika, upepo wa imani ulianza kuvuma, bendera yaTauhid ili pandishwa, Nuru ilianza kuenea na wengi walioabudu miungu 360 (sanamu) sasa waligeuka katika ibada ya Allah Mmoja.
Kuna kila sababu ya Muislamu kuadhimisha siku hiyo Tukufu. Isitoshe Kiyam ya kumsalia Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam wakati Alfajiri inapoingia mwezi 12 (muda wa kuzaliwa Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam) na kisha dua inayoombwa muda huo, inakubalika moja kwa moja. Hivyo ni bora kusoma Qasida Burdai (YA RABBIBIL MUSTAFA BALLIGH MAQAASWIDANA …) usiku huo ili kupata faida kwani ni Qasida iliyokubalika mbele ya Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam.

Ni uthibitisho wa Hadith-ul-Qudsi, Allah Amesema: "Lau kama nisingemuumba Muhammad Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam, basi nisingeumba Pepo, moto, Mwezi, Jua, mbingu na ardhi, usiku na mchana na Mitume na Malaika". Si hivyo tu bali Allah amesema kuwa "E Mpendwa! Lau kama nisingekuumba wewe basi Nisingejidhihirisha".
Nuru ya Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam iliumbwa kabla ya chochote, kama alivyosema: "Kitu cha kwanza Allah alichokiumba ni NuruYangu". Nuru hii ya Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam ilikuwa juu zaidi karibu na Muumba wake kwa miaka 4,000. Allah alipokusudia kuumba, Aligawanya Nuru hii katika sehemu 4.
1) Aliumba Kalamu
2) Meza Tukufu
3) Arshi
4) Viumbe vilivyosalia

Maswali / maoni yanakaribishwa.

Kind Regards,
Muhammad KHATRI

Dec 23, 2014

The Sky and Earth Weep On the Death of A Momin: 14 Blessed Ahadith

..:: The Sky and Earth Weep On the Death of A Momin ::..

..:: 14 Blessed Ahadith ::..

1.    Hazrat Anas RadiAllahu Anhu reported that Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said, ‘A human is blessed with two doors; one is that through which his deeds ascend and the other is that from which his sustenance descends. When a Momin (True Believer) passes away, then both (these doors) weep.’

2.    Hazrat Ibn Ab’bas RadiAllahu Anhuma reported that He  was asked, ‘Does the sky and earth ever weep over anyone?’ He  said, ‘Yes, for every human there are two doors. One is that through which his deeds ascend and the other is that from which his sustenance descends, so both of these weep upon his death, because they are closed (at his death). Similarly, the ground on which he performed Namaaz and the Zikr of Allah (also weep), and for the nation of Fir’awn (Pharaoh), there were neither any good signs on earth, and nor were there any virtuous deeds of theirs which could go towards the sky. Thus on his coming (i.e. death) neither did the sky nor the earth weep.
It is this which is the meaning of Allah’s word:
‘And the sky and earth will not weep over them’
[Part 25, Surah Ad Dukhkaan, Verse 29]

3.    Hazrat Shuraih ibn Ubaid Al Hadhrami RadiAllahu Anhu says that Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said, ‘If a Muslim dies as a Musafir and there is none to cry over him, then the sky and the earth weep over him. Thereafter Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam recited this verse ‘And the sky and earth will not weep over them’ and he SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said, ‘They do not cry over an unbeliever.’

4.    Hazrat Mujahid RadiAllahu Anhu reported, ‘When a Momin passes away, then every morning for forty days, the earth weeps upon him.’

5.    Ata’ Khurasani reported, ‘On whichever portion of the ground a person performed Sajdah whilst on the earth, that portion (of earth) will weep over him when he dies, and it will testify in his support on the day of Qiyaamat.’

6.    Hazrat Ali RadiAllahu Anhu reported that He SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said, ‘When a Momin passes away, then the place on which he performed Namaaz weeps over him and the place through which his deeds ascended into the sky weeps over him. He SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam then recited this verse ‘They do not cry over an unbeliever.’

7.    Hazrat Ibn Ab’bas RadiAllahu Anhuma reported, ‘the earth weeps every morning for forty days on the death of a Momin.’

8.    Hazrat Abu Ubaidah RadiAllahu Anhu (the companion of Sulayman bin Abdul Malik) reported, ‘When a Momin passes away, every part of the earth calls out saying, ‘The Servant of Allah has passed away’ then the earth and the sky both weep over him, so Almighty Allah asks, ‘Why are you weeping?’ (Although He is All Knowing), so they say, ‘O our Rub! Through whichever place he passed, he used to remember You’.’

9.    Muhammad bin Ka’ab RadiAllahu Anhu reported, ‘The earth weeps upon that person who used to perform Ibaadat on the earth, and it weeps because of that person who commits sin on it.’

10.  Hazrat Muhammad bin Mateen RadiAllahu Anhu reported, ‘The sky and earth weep over the passing away of a Momin. The sky says that, ‘His good deeds used to come consistently’ and the earth says, ‘He performed good deeds on me consistently’.’

11.  Dah’hak RadiAllahu Anhu reported, ‘Those portions of the earth upon which he has left his impression, weep at his death and that portion of the sky through which his good deeds ascended also weeps.’

12.  Ata’ RadiAllahu Anhu reported, ‘The weeping of the sky refers to the redness of the horizon (the edges of the sky).’

13.  Sufyan Thauri RadiAllahu Anhu reported, ‘The redness of the sky is the sign that it is weeping over a believer.’

14.  Hazrat Hasan RadiAllahu Anhu reported, ‘When a Musafir (traveller) dies on his journey, then due to him being a Musafir, Allah does not cause him any Azaab and since there is none to weep over him, the Angels of the sky weep over him.’

- - -
Extracted From: 
Sharh us Sudoor Bi Sharhi Haalil Mawta Wal Quboor

Dec 21, 2014

Condemnation of the Unlawful Killing in the Holy Quran and Ahadith
» And whoever slays a Muslim on purpose, his reward will be hell to remain in it for ages and Allah has wreaked wrath upon him and has cursed him and kept prepared a terrible punishment for him. [Surah al-Nisa, Verse 93]

» And those who do not worship any other deity along with Allah, and do not unjustly kill any living thing which Allah has forbidden, nor commit adultery; and whoever does this will receive punishment. The punishment shall be increased for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will remain in it forever, with humiliation. [Surah al-Furqan, Verses 68-69]

» Whoever kills a human being except in lieu of killing or causing turmoil in the earth, so it shall be as if he had killed all mankind. [Surah al-Ma'idah, Verse 32]

» And do not unjustly kill any life which Allah has made sacred; this is the command to you, so that you may have sense. [Surah al-An'aam, Verse 151]

» The Beloved and Blessed Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) has stated,

"Associating partner with Allah, disobeying parents, killing someone and swearing a false oath are all major sins." [Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Page 295, Hadith 6675]

» Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah (Radi Allahu Anhu) reported that the Holy Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said:

"Whoever helps in killing a Muslim by even half a word will be brought on the Day of Judgment with the words ‘hopeless from the mercy of Allah’ written between his eyes." [Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 2, Page 874, Hadith 2620]

» Sayyiduna Muhammad bin Eisa Tirmidhi (Alayhir Rahmah), in his famous collection of Ahadith 'Jaami Tirmidhi', has narrated from Sayyiduna Abu Sa'eed Khudri and Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah (Radi Allahu Anhuma),

"If all those in skies and on the earth would accomplice in killing a Muslim, Allah will make them fall headlong into the Hell." [Sunan Tirmidhi, Vol. 3, Page 100, Hadith 1403]

» Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Umar (Radi Allahu Anhu) narrates,

“Once I saw the Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) circumambulating the Ka'bah and he was addressing it: ‘How pleasant you are and how pleasant is your scent! How great you are and how great is your sanctity! By the One in Whose divine power is Muhammad’s soul, the inviolability of a believer’s property and blood is greater in the sight of Allah than your sacredness.” [Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 2, Page 1297, Hadith 3932]

» Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Amr (Radi Allahu Anhu) reported that the beloved Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said,

"Certainly, the passing away of the entire world is less in the sight of Allah than the murder of a single Muslim. [Jaami' Tirmidhi, Vol. 4, Page 16, Hadith 1395]

» Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Buraydah (Radi Allahu Anhu) reported from his father that the beloved Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said,

"The cessation of the entire world is less significant to Allah than the murder of a single Muslim. [Sunan al-Nasai, Vol. 7, Page 82, Hadith 3988]

» Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Masood (Radi Allahu Anhu) reported that the Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said while describing the enormity of shedding blood unlawfully:

"The first issue that will be judged between people on the Day of Resurrection is that of blood (i.e., murder)." [Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 6 Page 2517, Hadith 6471]

» Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah (Radi Allahu Anhu) reported that the Holy Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said:

"Time will seem to get shorter and knowledge will diminish, Miserliness will surface and tribulations will rise and Haraj will abound;. the companions asked, 'O Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alayka wa Sallam), what is Haraj?' He said, 'It is killing, it is Killing'." [Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 6, Page 2590, Hadith 6652]

» Sayyiduna Abdullah bin al-Samit (Radi Allahu Anhu) reported that the beloved Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said,

"Allah will not accept any act of worship, obligatory or supererogatory, from the one who attacks a Muslim and kills him." [Sunan Abi Dawud, Vol. 4, Page 103, Hadith 4270]

» Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Umar (Radi Allahu Anhuma) narrated that the Holy Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said,

"A faithful believer remains at liberty regarding his religion unless he kills somebody unlawfully." [Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Page 356, Hadith 6862]

» Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas (Radi Allahu Anhuma) reported that the beloved Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said,

"On the Day of Judgement, the murdered will come with the murderer's scalp and his head in his hand, and his jugular vein flowing blood saying: 'O Lord! This one killed me!' Until he comes close to the Divine Arsh." [Jaami' Tirmidhi, Vol. 5, Page 23, Hadith 3040]

» Sayyiduna Abu Darda' (Radi Allahu Anhu) reported that the Holy Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said:

"It is hoped that Allah may forgive every sin, except in the case of one who dies a polytheist, or one who purposely kills a believer." [Sunan Abi Dawud, Vol. 4, Page 139, Hadith 4270]
Humble Request: Please make Du'a and arrange Isaal-e-Sawab for the young martyrs who lost their lives and were brutally murdered by the insolent terrorists in Peshawar and those who are injured to gain speedy recovery and especially for their parents and siblings to have patience and be rewarded immensely. Also, pray for Pakistan's safety from all interior and exterior enemies.

Dec 18, 2014

Mzinduzi wa Dini - Imam Ahmad Ridaa (PART 2 - mwisho)

Assalaamu alaikum,

Natumai hamjambo. Ifuatayo ni sehemu ya mwisho ya risala fupi kuhusu mzinduzi wa Dini.

Baada ya kumshukuru Allah na kumtakia Rahma Mtume Muhammad Swall-Allahu Alaihi wasallam, aya hapo juu ya 8 kutoka Sura Al Bayyinah (98), inayozungumzia malipo ya wamchao Allah.

TAFISIRI: Malipo yao kwa Mola wao Mlezi ni Bustani za daima, zipitazo mito kati yake, watakaa humo milele. Allah yu radhi nao, na wao waradhi naye, hayo ni kwa anaemuogopa Mola wake Mlezi.

Imam Ahmad Ridaa – mzinduzi wa karne ya 14 ya Kiislam.

Alizaliwa mwezi 10 Shawwaal (Mfungo Mosi) 1272h.

Alikamilisha kusoma Quran (Msahafu) akiwa na umri wa miaka 4 tu; kwa kawaida watoto wa miaka 4 au hata 5 ndiyo kwanza huanza kusoma herufi za Quran.

Alihitimisha taaluma katika fani zote za dini katika umri wa miaka 13 na miezi 10 tu na alianza kuandika fatwa ya kwanza. Baada ya hapo baba yake alimkabidhi kazi ya kuandika fatwa, ila baba yake ndiye alikuwa akizisadikisha na kuweka sahihi . Baada ya miaka kama 10 hivi, ndipo baba yake alimkabidhi rasmi mwanae kazi hiyo.

Katika umri wa miaka 22, alifunga safari ya kwanza ya hijja pamoja na baba yake na huko alikutana na wanazuoni maarufu kina Sayyid Ahmad Zayni Dahlan na Mufti Abdullah bin AbdulRahman Siraaj. Hata siku 1, Imam wa Msikiti wa Makkah alimuambia Imam ahmad Ridaa : Naapa kwa Jina la Mola, naona Nuru ya Allah usoni mwako.

Baada ya miaka 28, alifunga safari ya pili ya hijja, akifuatana na kaka yake na mwanae. Aliulizwa na Shariff wa Makkah kuhusu elimu ya uficho (ilm-ul-ghaib) ya Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam, na hivyo alitunga kitabu katika lugha ya Kiarabu “Al Dawlah Al Makkiyah”, ambacho kilikubalika kwa kiasi kikubwa sana kiliposomwa mbele ya wanazuoni waliokuwepo kipindi hicho. Licha ya kitabu hicho, Imam Ahmad Ridaa alitunga vitabu kama “Hussamul Haramain” (panga la Misikiti miwili Takatifu juu ya koo la wasioamini na waongo). Kitabu hiki kinazungumzia imani na itikadi potovu ya “waislam” wanaomkashifu Allah na Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam. Pia ni mtunzi wa vitabu zaidi ya 1,000.

Alifariki mwezi 25 Safar (Mfungo 5), 1340h. Mcha Mungu mmoja nchini Syria aliota kikao cha Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam ambamo aliulizwa ni nani anaesubiriwa. Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam akajibu kuwa ni kipenzi chake aitwae Ahmad Ridaa. Asubuhi yake baada ya kuuliza, Mcha Mungu huyo alifunga safari ya kwenda India kuonana na Ahmad Ridaa, na alipofika katika kitongoji cha Barelvi, aliambiwa kuwa amefariki siku chache tu zilizopita, na alipokumbuka ndoto yake, kumbe ni kweli ilikuwa siku ile ile.

Maswali / maoni yanakaribishwa.


Kind Regards,

Muhammad KHATRI

Safar al-Muzaffar - The Second Month of Islamic Calendar
Safar al-Muzaffar is the second month of the Islamic calendar. Literal meaning of Safar is empty. During this month the houses used to be empty and deserted because the ban on going to war in the month of Muharram came to an end and everyone proceeded towards the battlefield.

Safar also means to be yellow. When the names of the months were being given it was the season of autumn and the leaves of the trees were yellow.
Many people have erroneous beliefs regarding this month i.e. it is a month of misfortune and calamities. The teachings of Allah Ta'ala and His Most Beloved Rasool (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) gives us clear guidelines on such incorrect beliefs.

Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) says in the Qur'an al-Kareem:

ما أصاب من مصيبة إلا بإذن الله
"No misfortune befalls except by Allah’s command..." [Surah Tagabun, Verse 11]

These erroneous beliefs have also been condemned in the context of the following Ahadith:

لا عدوى ولا طيرة ولا هامة ولاصفر
There is no superstitious owl, bird, no star-promising rain, no bad omen in the month of Safar. [Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 5707]

لا عدوى ولا صفر ولا غول
There is no bad omen in the month of Safar and no Ghouls (evil spirits). [Sahih Muslim, Hadith 2222]

The above Ahadith clearly refutes all incorrect beliefs and superstitions regarding the month of Safar. These incorrect beliefs flow from the pre-Islamic period of Jahiliyyah .

The Month of Safar during the Days of Ignorance

The Muhaddithin have recorded many of the superstitions harboured by the Arabs during the Days of Ignorance. A few are mentioned below:

1. The pre-Islamic Arabs believed Safar to be a snake which lives in the stomach of a human being and when hungry, bites the person. This is the discomfort one experiences when gripped by the pangs of hunger.

2. Some said Safar are worms which originate in the liver and ribs due to which the colour of the person becomes yellow, a condition we know today as jaundice.

3. According to some, the month of Safar flanked by Muharram and Rabi al Awwal is full of calamities and misfortune.

With the advent of Islam and the teachings of Sayyadina Rasoolullah (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam), all evil and incorrect beliefs common in pre-Islamic times were discarded.

Incorrect Beliefs:

Today too, there are some Muslims who hold incorrect beliefs regarding the month of Safar.

1. A nikah performed in this month would not be successful.
2. This month is full of misfortune and calamities.
3. To commence any important venture, business etc. during this month will bring bad luck.
4. The first to the thirteenth of Safar is ill-fortune and evil.
5. The person who distributes food or money on the 13th of Safar will be saved from its ill-fortune.
6. To celebrate the last Wednesday of Safar and regard it as a holiday.

What to do:

1. To shun all types of erroneous beliefs regarding the blessed month of Safar.

2. To understand that the most unfortunate person is he who disobeys Allah Ta'ala's commandments e.g. does not perform the five daily salaah etc. It is narrated in a hadith that Rasoolullah (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) said: "Pray, 0 Allah! Cause not anyone of us to be a wretched destitute." He then asked: "Do you know who is a wretched destitute?" Upon the request of the Sahabah (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhum) he replied, "A wretched destitute is he who neglects his salaat."

3. We should understand that all conditions which befalls us, good or bad, favourable, or unfavourable are from Allah Ta'ala, (as a result of our actions). Allah Ta'ala says: " Whatever misfortune befalls you, it is due to the things your hands have wrought, and He forgives many a sin." (Surah 42 - Verse 30).

This can also be confirmed by the following Hadith:

Sayyadina Jabir (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu) has said that, "I have heard Sayyadina Rasoolullah (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) saying, the descending of illness and evil superstition befalling in the month of Safar is untrue."

..:: Important dates and Anniversaries in the month of Safar ::..

Date URS Sharif (Passing Of)
1 Hadrat Abu Bakr Ahmad Ismail Jurjani
1 Hadrat Khwaja Hassan Salaar
1 Hadrat Mawlana Khuda Bakhsh Multani
1 Hadrat Sayyidna Abu al-Qasim Shah Ismail Hassan Marharwi
1 Hadrat Haji Waris Ali Shah
1 Hadrat Jamalullah Rampuri
1 Hadrat Khwaja Shah Muhammad Sulaiman Tounsawi
2 Khulaifa Adil al-Hakim Thani bin Abdul Rahman al-Nasir Maliki Andalusi
2 Hadrat Abu al-Abbas Ahmad Zouq Baransi Farsi
2 Mawlana Fadal Ahmad Sufi bin Mawlana Abdul Ahad Muhaddith Pilibhiti
3 Hadrat Khwaja Hassanuddin Jalabi
3 Hadrat Shaykh Sultanuddin Ahmad Mawlana Sanjani
3 Hadrat Dewan Muhammad Munawar Ali
3 Hadrat Khwaja Dana Surrati
3 Mujahid Kabeer Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi
3 Hazrat Shah Faqeerullah Alawi Afghani Thumma Sindhi
3 Mufti Mehmood Jaan Khan Qadiri Alaihir Rahmah (Khalifa-e-AlaHadrat)
4 Hadrat Abu Saeed Chishti
4 Hadrat Khwaja Qutubuddin Jonpuri
4 Hadrat Kareem Shah Surrati
4 Khwaja Mutma'een Tounsawi
4 Hadrat Allamah Mahmood Azamgadhi
4 Hadrat Mawlana Nasir Ali Hanafi Gayaspuri Azeemabadi
4 Hadrat Allamah Mufti Gulam Hussain Naqshbandi Essa Khelwi
5 Hadrat Umm al-Mu'mineen Maymunah
5 Hadrat Mawlana Yaqoob Charkhi Naqshbandi
5 Hadrat Shah Ismail Chishti
5 Hadrat Dewan Muhammad Hamid
5 Hadrat Shah Gulam Rashid Jonpuri
5 Hadrat Mawlana Naeemullah Behraichi
5 Hadrat Qari Maqbool Hangal
5 Hadrat Khwaja Muhammad Sulayman
5 Hadrat Khwaja Muhammad Nizamuddin
5 Hadrat Hakeem Najam al-Ghani Rampuri
6 Hadrat Khwaja Ilmuddin Ilm al-Haq Farooqui Chishti
6 Hadrat Shams al-Din Arif
6 Hadrat Shah Sulaiman Tounsawi
6 Hadrat Baba Bhullay Shah
7 Hadrat Ali bin Mawfiq Baghdadi
7 Hadrat Abu Bakr Muhammad Nisaj Toosi
7 Hadrat Shaykh Bahauddin Zakariya Multani
7 Hadrat Shaykh Abu Ishaq Abu Sahal Sa'looki
7 Hadrat Sayyid Kamil Shah Lahori
7 Hadrat Khwaja Muhammad Sulaiman Tounsawi
7 Mulla Muhammad Hassan bin Qazi Gulam Mustafa
8 Hadrat Sayyid Abdul Jaleel Dehlawi
8 Hadrat Shah Abdul Jaleel Baghdadi
8 Hadrat Mawlana Sayyid Liaqat Ali Shah Razawi
8 Hadrat Khwaja Salahuddin Chishti
9 Hadrat Sayyiduna Imam Ali Moosa
9 Hadrat Imam al-Muslimeen Sayyiduna Ali Raza
9 Hadrat Sheeran Almaani
9 Hadrat Akhoon Sher Dal Haq Pandoli
9 Hadrat Meer Abu al-Ula Akbarabadi
9 Hadrat Sufi Inayatullah Shah bin Makhdoom Fadl Allah Baghdadi
10 Umm al-Mu'mineen Hadrat Juweriyah
10 Hadrat Shah Barkhurdar Korwi
10 Hadrat Mawlana Hakeem Ahmad Ali Khairabadi
11 Hadrat Abu Abdullah Ahmad bin Yahya Baghdadi
11 Hadrat Abu Ishaq Qassaar
11 Hadrat Shaykh Muhammad Ismail Qaysari
11 Hadrat Abu Nasar Abdullah Siraj Toosi
11 Hadrat Umar bin Muhammad Fadl Allah
11 Hadrat Shaykh Taajuddin Baqai
11 Hadrat Abu al-Abbas Ahmad bin Rayf Andalusi
11 Hadrat Shaykh Shamsuddin Nagori
11 Hadrat Sayyid Muhammad Baghdadi
11 Hadrat Sayyid Mubarak bin Abaz
11 Hadrat Qasim Anwar
11 Hadrat Sayyid Ibrahim Sarmadi
11 Hadrat Hafiz Ilahi Bakhsh Urf Aalijah
11 Mufassir-e-Azam Hadrat Mawlana Muhammah Ibrahim Raza Khan
11 Hadrat Shaykh al-Quran Allamah Gulam Ali Asrafi Okarrwi
12 Hadrat Sayyidatuna Raqaiyyah bint Rasoolullah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam)
12 Hadrat Abu Usman Wa'ez
12 Hadrat Khwaja Abdul Kareem Abu al-Qasim Khateeb
12 Hadrat Sayyid Ilyas Maghrabi
12 Hadrat Shaykh Zahid bin Ibrahim Gilani
12 Hadrat Mawlana Shah Abdur Raheem Dehalwi
12 Hadrat Shaykh Jageer Karday
12 Hadrat Mawlana Fadl Haq Khayrabadi
12 Hadrat Shah Abdul Lateef Bhittai
13 Hadrat Abu Abdur Rahman Ahmad Nasa'i
13 Hadrat Abu Ali Hassan Mashtawli
13 Hadrat Abu Muhammad Abdullah Marta'ash
13 Hadrat Abu al-Abbas Ahmad Khazari
13 Hadrat Muhammad Gayaas Kirmani
13 Hadrat Abdullah Shazili
13 Hadrat Shaykh Bahauddin Akbar
13 Hadrat Abu al-Fath Sanjari Muqayyid Jabaroot
13 Hadrat Akhoon Shah Habibullah
13 Hadrat Shah Wasiluddin
13 Hadrat Muhaiyyi al-Din Urf Hafiz Jamalullah
13 Hadrat Qutb al-Din Urf Haji Qurdat Allah
13 Hadrat Shaykh Habib Peshawari
13 Hadrat Peer Sayyid Sibgatullah Shaheed
13 Hadrat Fadil Kabeer Muhammad Hassan Sanbhali
14 Hadrat Maalik bin Deenar
14 Hadrat Haji Mustafa Sirhindi
14 Hadrat Zaheer al-Din Maakoor
14 Qazi Abu al-Mahasin Yousuf bin Rafay' al-Asadi
14 Hadrat Shah Abdul Kareem Manikpuri
14 Hadrat Abu al-Faiz Shah Abdur Raheem Muhaddith Dehlawi
15 Hadrat Data Gang Bakhsh Makhdoom Abu al-Hasan Ali Hujweri
15 Hadrat Jalal al-Haq Qadi Khan Yousuf Nasihi
15 Hadrat Akhoon Siddiqui Mustafaabadi
15 Hadrat Shah Gulam Naseer al-Din Miya Kalay
15 Hadrat Nijabat Ali Shah Lakhnawi
15 Hadrat Sayyid Shah Ahmad Shams Aalam Raichoor
15 Allamah Arshadul Qadri
16 Hadrat Umar Ahmad Ali Maghrabi
16 Hadrat Abu al-Hussain Bindaar Shirazi
16 Hadrat Abu Mas'ood Maghribi
16 Hadrat Sayyid Ahmad Kabeer
16 Hadrat Abu Usman
16 Hadrat Shaykh Baba Kamal Hayderi
16 Hadrat Sayyidi Muhammad bin Yousuf Kirmani
16 Hadrat Shah Qasim Munqasim al-Arwah
16 Hadrat Sayyid Ahmad Akbarabadi
16 Hadrat Wali Allah Hiqqi
16 Ra'ees al-Qalam Allamah Arshadul Qadri
16 Shaykh Badr al-Din Ja'fari Phulwari
16 Hadrat Mawlana Sayyid Maghfur al-Qadri
17 Hadrat Abu Ali Hussain
17 Hadrat Shaykh Zakariya
17 Hadrat Khwaja Baha al-Din Zakariya Suharwardi
17 Hadrat Khwaja Hassan Balghari
17 Hadrat Dewan Muhammad Taaj al-Din
17 Hadrat Shaykh Nizam al-Din Narnoli
17 Hadrat Akhoon Siddiqui Bajori
17 Hadrat Hakeem Shah Ne'matullah
17 Hadrat Allamah Mufti Gulam Raool Madraasi
17 Hadrat Mawlana Hamid Ali Khan Rampuri
17 Hadrat Shaykh Ali Ahmad Bherwi
18 Hadrat Asadullah Rumi
18 Shaykh Hameed Andalusi
18 Hadrat Raji Hamid
18 Hadrat Burhan al-Din Gareeb
18 Hadrat Moosa Suharwardi
18 Hadrat Meer Nau'man Akbarabadi
19 Hadrat Abdul al-Awwal Iman al-Din Shami
19 Abu al-Waleed Hisham Awwal
19 Hadrat Shaykh Abu Muhammad Ruwaym Baghdadi
19 Hadrat Sayyid Muhammad Shubayki Hasani
19 Muhammad bin Abi al-Qasim al-Ma'roof Ibn Raseed al-Andalusi
19 Hadrat Qazi Hameed al-Din Muhammad bin Ata Naghauri
19 Hadrat Sayyid Baha al-Din Jonpuri
19 Hadrat Khwaja Yahya Ilahabadi
19 Hadrat Sayyid Ahmad Kalpawi
19 Hadrat Shah Jamal Kalkattawi
19 Hadrat Akhoon Darya Khan Jee Zabarjaddi
19 Hadrat Akhoon Darya Khan Jee
19 Hadrat Sayyid Aleemullah Chishti
19 Hadrat Shaykh Aleemullah Shawrakh Abdaal
19 Hadrat Sayyid Shah Ahmad Kalpi Shareef
19 Hadrat Mawlana Sayyid Muhammad Umar Hanbali Hayderabadi
20 Hadrat Sayyidi Yahya bin Bakayr
20 Sahib Zadah Hakeem Arshad Ahmad Ameeri
20 Peer Sayyid Ali Kalaan Sheerazi
20 Makhdom Bilal bin Kabrawi Junaidi
20 Hadrat Mawlana Sultan al-Din Mubin Jaypuri
21 Hadrat Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ali Hakeem Tirmidhi
21 Hadrat Shaykh Muhammad bin Yousuf Maghrabi
21 Hadrat al-Hussain Muhammad Wazzaq
21 Hadrat Shah Muhammad Aashiq Maah
21 Hadrat Shams al-Din Ubaid Qadiri
21 Hadrat Shaykh Abdur Raheem Kashmiri
21 Hadrat Sayyid Aqeel
21 Hadrat Muhammad Abdur Rahman Makki Sawar
22 Hadrat Shaykh Salah al-Din Darwaish Chishti Sahar Wardi
22 Hadrat Shaykh Muhammad Halawi bin Dawood Qarashi
22 Hadrat Shaykh Abdullah Qurayshi
22 Hadrat Shaykh Mahmood Rajan
22 Hadrat Shah Gulaam Ali Dehlawi
22 Hadrat Khwaja Muhammad Mahmood Urf Rajan bin Khwaja Alim al-Din
22 Hadrat Sayyid Gulaam Hussain
22 Hadrat Peer Sayyid Bhalan Shah Jeelani
22 Hadrat Khwaja Shaykh Shams al-Din Siyal Shareef
22 Hadrat Mawlana Sayyid Hassan Shah Raampuri
23 Hadrat Abu Abdullah Khaqaan Sufi
23 Hadrat Abu al-Qasim Ali Gargani
23 Hadrat Shaykh Adeef al-Din Salman Tilmasani
23 Hadrat Sayyid Jalal Ahmad Akbari
23 Hadrat Shah Jalal al-Din
23 Hadrat Makhdoom Shaykh Muhammad Meena Lakhnawi
23 Hadrat Mawlana Abdul Razzaq Lakhnawi
23 Hadrat Sayyidna Imam Baqir
23 Hadrat Sultan Mahmood Gaznawi
23 Hadrat Sayyidna Shah Meena Abu al-Ulai
23 Hadrat Muhammad Saleem Qadri Shaheed
24 Hadrat Shaykh Abdullah bin Salim
24 Hadrat Khwaja Meer Dard Dehlawi
24 Hadrat Mawlana Abu al-Baqa Abdul Hakeem Qadri Razzaqi
24 Hadrat Allamah Abdul Hakeem Sialkoti
24 Hadrat Khwaja Shams al-Din Siyalawi
24 Hadrat Mahar Muhammad Sobah Naqshbandi Lahori
24 Hadrat Mawlana Abdul Hakeem Farangi Mahali
25 Hadrat Ahmad Khudrawiyah
25 Hadrat Shaykh Ahmad Majd Shaybani Narnoli
25 AlaHadrat Imam Ahl-e-Sunnat Imam Ahmad Rida Khan Baraylawi
25 Hadrat Sayyid Qalandr Ali Suharwardi
25 Mufti Shaykh Abdur Razzaq Qadri Lakhnawi
25 Hadrat Allamah Imad al-Din Rifa'ee Surrati
25 Hadrat Shah Abdul Razzaq Farangi Mahali
26 Hadrat Meer Sayyid Hassan Qadri
26 Hadrat Sayyid Alim al-Din Chishti
26 Hadrat Sayyidna Hassan Baghdadi
26 Hadart Shaykh Muhammad Ghous Kakorwi
26 Hadrat Mufti Noor al-Haq Tonki
26 Hadrat Mawlana Mufti Abdul Aziz Qadri Lakhnawi
26 Hadrat Shah Muhammad Sulayman bin Dawood Phulwari
26 Hadrat Mawlana Ameer Ali Ambethwi Shaheed
27 Hadrat Abu Moosa Ra'ee
27 Hadrat Hareeq Aswad Abdaal
27 Hadrat Khwaja Abdul Wahid bin Zaid
27 Hadrat Abu Imran Ra'ee
27 Hadrat Ibrahim bin Isa Isfahani
27 Hadrat Shareef al-Din Isa Qitaal bin Ghous-e-Azam
27 Hadrat Abu Abdur Rahman Abdullah bin Ghous-al-Azam
27 Hadrat Abdul Raheem Maghribi Ashiq-e-Nabi
27 Sultan-e-Adil Hadrat Sultan Salah-al-Din Ayyubi
27 Hadrat Shaykh Yahya Gujrati
27 Hadrat Khwaja Yahya Madani Chishti
27 Shareh Bukhari Hadrat Imam Badr al-Din Aeyni
27 Hadrat Abdul Wahid Farid
27 Hadrat Sharf al-Din
27 Hadrat Shah Ballaaqi Muraadabadi
27 Hadrat Muhammad Azeem Hassan Ukhra Barkhiya
27 Hadrat Mawlana Shah Imdad Hussain Rampuri
28 Hadrat Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba
28 Hadrat Abu Bakr Muhammad Waffaq
28 Hadrat Shaykh Ahmad San'ani
28 Hadrat Shaykh Shams al-Haq Barray Haqqani
28 Hadrat Khwaja Abu Yousuf Muhaiyyi al-Din Yahya Madani
28 Hadrat Shah Ubaid al-Majeed
28 Hadrat Shah Badr al-Din Urf Ballaqi Shah
28 Hadrat Shah Muhammad Sulayman Phulwari
28 Hadrat Shah Jahangir
28 Khwaja Hafidh Abdul Kareem Naqshbandi Amratsari
28 Hafidh Abdul Kareem Rawalpindi
28 Hadrat Sadiq Shah Sahib Kanpuri
28 Hadrat Sayyid Meer Muhammad Ahmad Siddiq Lakhnawi
28 Hadrat Allamah Raham Ilahi Muzaffar Nagri (Teacher of Mufti-e-Azam)
29 Hadrat Meer Muhammad Ya'qoob Gilani
29 Hadrat al-Shah Imam Nawawi
29 Hadrat Sayyidna Peer Mahr Ali Shah Gilani Golarrawi
29 Hadrat Peer Fateh Muhammad
29 Hadrat Imam-e-Rabbani Mujaddid Alf-e-Thani Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi
30 Hadrat Hafidh al-Hadith Imam Muhammad Hakim Nishapuri
Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhum Ajma'een (Allah is well please with them All)


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