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Aug 26, 2024

Jab Jali Sham'e Wilaayat A'laa Hazrat Aap Ki [Lyrics]

Jab jali sham'e wilaayat A'laa Hazrat aap ki
Ban gayi Noori jama'at A'laa Hazrat aap ki

Ik taraf Ghawth ul waraa haiñ
Ik taraf Khwaja Piya
Khauf kyuñ khaaye jama'at A'laa Hazrat aap ki

Mid-hat e Sarkaar karte karte paaya ye maqaam
Ho rahi hai har soo mid-hat A'laa Hazrat aap ki

Ihteraam aal e Nabi ka dekh kar sab ne kaha
Sachi hai Aaqa se ulfat A'laa Hazrat aap ki

Qabr meiñ Sarkaar aayeiñ to kharaa ho jaauñ meiñ
Ishq meiñ ddoobi hai Turbat A'laa Hazrat aap ki

Jo samajh paaya nahiñ Taaj ush Shariah ka maqaam 
Kaise samjhega woh rif'at A'laa Hazrat aap ki 

Murshidi Akhtar Raza ho ya Zia ul Mustafa
Milti hai donoñ se barkat A'laa Hazrat aap ki

Ye yaqeeñ ARIF ka hai gar che buroñ se hai buraa
Mujhko Bakhshaayegi nisbat A'laa Hazrat aap ki

~ Khalifa e Huzoor Taaj ush Shariah & Huzoor Muhaddith e Kabeer, Mawlana Arif Barkaati Sahib Qibla, Malawi 

Jul 13, 2024

Khoya Khoya Hai Dil Hont Chup [Lyrics]

بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم

کھویا کھو یا ہےدل، ہونٹ چپ ، آنکھ نم، ہیں مواجہ پہ ہم
روبرو اُن (صلی اللہ تعالیٰ علیہ واٰلہ وسلم) کےلایا ہےاُن (صلی اللہ تعالیٰ علیہ واٰلہ وسلم) کا کرم ، ہیں مواجہ پہ ہم

لمحےلمحے پہ آیات کا نور ہے، نعت کا نور ہے
نور افشاں درودی فضا دم بہ دم ، ہیں مواجہ پہ ہم

ایک کونےمیں ہیں، سرجھکائےہوئے، منہ چھپائےہوئے
گردنیں ہیں کہ بارِ ندامت سےخم، ہیں مواجہ پہ ہم

آنسوئوں کی زباں، کر رہی ہےبیاں، اُن (صلی اللہ تعالیٰ علیہ واٰلہ وسلم) سےاحوالِ جاں
صرف اپنا نہیں پوری اُمت کا غم، ہیں مواجہ پہ ہم

مسکراتی ہوئی ہر تجلی ملی، کیا تسلی ملی
دور ہوتےگئےسارے رنج و الم ، ہیں مواجہ پہ ہم

سب طلب گار حرف شفاعت کےہیں اُن (صلی اللہ تعالیٰ علیہ واٰلہ وسلم) کی رحمت کےہیں
چہرےچہرے پہ ہے اک سوال کرم، ہیں مواجہ پہ ہم

Apr 7, 2024

Closeness To Allah Is In Adherence To The Shari'ah

Almighty Allah has blessed us immensely by blessing us with great blessings such as the Glorious Qur’an and Blessed Seerah (i.e. The Blessed Biography and Holy Conduct) of The Holy Prophet ﷺ. There is a great need for us to study them and to deliberate and carefully reflect over them. The more we genuinely deliberate and reflect over them (i.e. over their pure messages), the more closeness we will attain in the Court of Almighty Allah.  

The recitation of the Glorious Quran instills in us the awareness of the Commands and the Divine Directives of the Shari’at. The Holy Qur'an and the Seerat e Nabawi (i.e. The Prophet's ﷺ Blessed Biography) communicates to us the path to attaining closeness in the Court of our Rab’b (Almighty Creator).

If we desire true closeness to our Rab’b, then we should spend the most precious moments of our lives in following in the Blessed Footsteps of the Holy Prophet ﷺ, to the best of our ability. We must strive to make necessary upon us the adherence to the laws of servitude (to Allah) and to hold firmly to the ‘knot’ (i.e. the measure) of the Islamic Shari’ah, making this the main objective of our lives.

It is for this reason, whilst discussing the means by which one attains nearness to Almighty Allah, Huzur Pur Noor Sayyid ul Awliya, Qutb ul Kaunain Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu, says:
"اقرب الطرق الى الله تعالى' لزوم قانون العبودية والاستمساك بعروة الشريعة"

Translation: The closest path to Allah Almighty, is to necessitate (upon you) the adherence to the laws of servitude (to Allah), and to hold firmly to the ‘knot’ (i.e. the measure) of the Shari’ah.
(Tazkira e Ghausul Wara Ba Ifaadaat e Imam Ahmad Raza page 137, with reference to Fataawa Razviyyah Shareef Volume 21 page 537/ Raza Foundation Lahore).

Seeker of your Duaas:
A Humble Servant of Sacred Knowledge At Amjadi Darul Ifta, Mohammad Quaiser Ali Razvi Misbahi, Imam Masjid e Khalid, Founder And Principal Of Darul Uloom Ala-Hazrat unit 9, Chatsworth, Durban South Africa.

Apr 6, 2024

Who is Hazrat Aaisha Siddiqah?

Hazrat Sayyidah Ayesha Siddiqah Radiallahu Anha is the blessed daughter of the leader of the believers, Hazrat Abu bakr Siddique ( Allah subhaanuhu is pleased with him ). Her mothers name was Umme Rummaan.

Hazrath Ayesha Radiallahu Anha was from amongst the purest wives of our Holy Prophet ﷺ and the most beloved. The Prophet ﷺ said, 

"No revelation was revealed to me in the quilt of any wives of mine except Ayesha Siddiqah. Whilst Ayesha was resting beside Me on the bed of Prophethood, then even in such a condition revelations continued to descend upon Me."

Her knowledge

She holds a very high and esteemed position from amongst the illustrious wives of the beloved Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam in the sciences of jurisprudence and Hadith. 

It is estimated that she has narrated 2210 Hadith from the Holy Prophet ﷺ One hundred and seventy-four of the Ahadith narrated by her are found in both the authentic books Bukhari and Muslim. Fifty-four Ahadith are found only in Bukhari, and sixty-eight Ahadith have been quoted by Imam Muslim (in his book Sahi Muslim). Besides these Ahadith numerous other Ahadith are mentioned in other books. 

*Her piety*

She also held a very illumined and exalted status in worship. Her nephew Hazrat Imam Qasim bin Muhammad bin Abu bakr ( Allah subhaanuhu is pleased with them ) stated that Hazrat Ayesha ( Allah subhaanuhu is pleased with her) used to perform Tahajjud Salaah and fast every day without fail. 

Her generosity

She was distinguished amongst all the virtuous wives of our beloved Prophet ﷺ in terms of generosity and charity. Once Hazrat Ameer Mu'awiyah ( Allah is pleased with him) sent 100 000 (gold coins currency) as a gift to the mother of the believers Hazrat Aaisha Siddiqah ( Allah is pleased with her). She ordered her slave girl to distribute the entire amount in denominations of a thousand to some and in denominations of hundred to some in accordance to their identified necessities until there was no money left. She did not keep a penny for herself and on that day she was fasting so the maid girl said to her " you are fasting and there is nothing to break your fast at home ", the Mother of the believers replied to her " if you had said in advance then I would have kept something." 

Her behaviour

Once a beggar arrived in the blessed service of Ummul Mu'mineen. She gave him a piece of bread. Very soon after, another man dressed in fine clothes arrived in her blessed court but he was given food, Ummul Mu'mineen was asked about this, she said " The Holy Prophet ﷺ has instructed that you should treat each person as he deserves. ( Fataawa Ridawiyyah Volume 9 page number 74, Seerat e Mustafa jaan e Rahmat Volume 3 page number 168)

Her ten accolades

Narrated Ibn Sa'd from Hazrat Aaisha ( Allah is pleased with her) who said, " I have ten virtues over all the pure wives of Holy Prophet ﷺ of which the other pure wives do not have."

The ten virtues are as follows,

1) The Prophet ﷺ did not marry a virgin other than me 

2) None of the pure wives parents where made Hijrat except my parents.

3) Allah revealed revelations regarding my chasteness and purity in the Holy Qur'an. 

4) Before my marriage, Hazrat Jibraeel Alaihis Salam brought my face in a silk cloth and showed it to the Prophet ﷺ and He kept seeing me in a dream for three nights.

5) The Prophet ﷺ and I used to take a bath from the same vessel, this honour did not belong to any of the pure wives except me. 

6) The Prophet ﷺ used to offer Tahajjud Salaah and I used to be sleeping in front of Him, none of the mothers of the believers were overwhelmed by this gracious love of the Prophet ﷺ

7) I used to be sleeping in a quilt with Prophet ﷺ and revelation used to descend on Him, this is the gift of Allah subhaanuhu which was not obtained by any of the pure wives of the Prophet ﷺ except me.

8) At the time of the Prophet's departure, His blessed head was in my lap and His blessed head was between my chest and throat, and in that state the Holy Prophet ﷺ departed from this world to the next world.

9) The Prophet ﷺ departed ( passed away, made pardah) when it was my turn. 

10) The Holy Rauza e Mubaarak of the Prophet ﷺ was built in my house. ( Seerat e Mustafa Jaan e Rahmat page number 164)

When did Hazrat Ayesha Radia Allahu Anha pass away?

In response to a question about the date of the passing away and the place of burial of Ummul-Mu'mineen Sayyida Ayesha my master Ala- Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Alaihirrahma said: She passed away on a Tuesday night on the 17th day of Ramadaan, 58 AH at the age of 66. She requested from her nephew to be buried in Baqia, and according to her bequest she was buried in Baqiya at night. Most of the people of Madina were present at her funeral and she was buried by her nephews. Her funeral prayer was offered by Hazrat Abu Hurrairah radi Allahu anhu. (Seerat e Mustafa Jaan e Rahmat Volume 3.)

Presented By:
Darul Uloom Ala-Hazrat
Masjid e Khalid
Unit 9, Chatsworth,
Durban, South Africa



Question 1: Why is it called Shab-e-Qadr ?

Answer: Shab-e-Qadr is called this because on this night, the rules of the year are enforced and the Angels are entrusted with duties and services for the year. It is also called Shab-e-Qadr because of the nobility and value of this night. It has also been narrated that since good deeds are done on this night and these good deeds are appreciated in the Sight of Allah and because of this, it is called Shab-e-Qadr.

Question 2: What are the virtues of Shab-e-Qadr?

Answer: Many virtues of Shab-e-Qadr have been mentioned in the Ahadith.

The Hadith of Bukhari and Muslim states that whosoever wakes up on the night of Qadr with faith and sincerity, and worships Allah Almighty, Allah Subhanuhu forgives his sins throughout the year.

Doing good deeds in this single night is better than doing good deeds in a thousand nights. It is narrated in the Hadith that the Prophet ﷺ mentioned a man from the previous Ummah who used to worship whole night and engage in Jihaad for the day, in this way he spent a thousand months, the companions were amazed at this, so Allah Subhanuhu granted Beloved Prophet ﷺ Shab-e-Qadr and revealed the verse that Shab-e-Qadr is better than a thousand months, one night of worship on Shab-e-Qadr is better than 83 years of worship.

Shab-e-Qadr occurs once a year, and has been proven by many narrations that it takes place in the last ten odd nights of Ramadaan. According to some scholars, the 27th night of Ramadaan is Shab-e-Qadr and this is what was narrated from Hazrat Imam Azam Alaihir Rahma.
(ref: Khazaaenul Irfaan)

Question 3: What are the golden advices for Shab-e-Qadr?

Answer: It is the Grace of Allah Almighty on His Beloved Prophet ﷺ that, if His ummah worships on this night of Shab-e-Qadr then the reward will be greater than that of those who worshipped 1000 months in the previous ummah. Understanding the importance of each and every moment one should make special arrangements for remembrance of Allah by reciting the Holy Quraan, engaging oneself in abundance of Istighfaar, giving sadqa and charity, performing Tahajjud and Nawafil, especially Salaat-ut-Tasbeeh and sincere supplications on this night.

Question 4: What is the excellence of Salaat-ut-Tasbeeh?

Answer: Shaykh Abu Nasr Alaihir Rahma has stated on the authority of Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas that Rasoolullah ﷺ said to his uncle Hazrat Abbas (Allah is pleased with him): O uncle, should I tell you 10 such things that when you do it, then Allah Subhanuhu will forgive your sins of

1&2. past and future,
3&4. new and old,
5. those that you have forgotten and
6. those that you did knowingly,
7&8. big and small,
9&10. hidden and revealed.

Then He ﷺ taught him, (His uncle) the method of performing Salaat-ut-Tasbeeh.

Question 5: What is the method of performing of Salaat-ut-Tasbeeh (prayer of forgiveness)?


Method of Salaat-ut-Tasbeeh

Tasbeeh in Arabic

سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا اله الا الله والله اكبر

Translation: Glory be to Allah, All praise is due to Allah, There is none worthy of worship but Allah, Allah is the Greatest.

Transliteration: Subhaanallaahi Walhamdu lillaahi Walaa ilaaha illallaahu wallaahu akbar

• Step 1: Make the intention for four Rakaats of Nafl or Salaat-ut-Tasbeeh to please Allah and then start your Salaah in the normal way.

• Step 2: After reading Thana, recite the above Tasbeeh 15 times.

• Step 3: Then recite Ta'awwuz and Tasmiyah then Surah Fatiha and any Surah and after this recite the above Tasbeeh 10 times.

• Step 4: Then go in to Ruku and after the Tasbeeh (Subhana Rabbiyal Azeem) recite the above tasbeeh ten times.

• Step 5: Go to Qauwmah (standing position after Ruku) and after saying (Samee Allahu Liman Hamidah, Rabbaana Lakal Hamd) then recite the above Tasbeeh 10 times

• Step 6: Go in to the first Sajdah and after the Tasbeeh (Subhaana Rabbiyal A'laa) recite the above Tasbeeh 10 times.

• Step 7: Now sit up for the first Sajdah in Jalsa position (sitting position between two Sajdah) and then recite the above Tasbeeh 10 times.

• Step 8: Then go into the second Sajdah and after the Tasbeeh (Subhaan Rabbiyal A'laa) recite the above Tasbeeh 10 times.

Once one completes the first Rakaat with the Tasbeeh being read 75 times, the remaining three Rakaats will be prayed in the same manner and in this way the total of 300 Tasbeeh will be accomplished in the four Rakaats. (Ref: Ghuyatut Taalibeen).

Presented By:
Darul Uloom Ala Hazrat
Masjid e Khalid
Unit 9, Chatsworth,

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