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Dec 20, 2011

Imam Ahmed Raza's Piety As A Child

-Ala Hazrat was a child of 4 years when the following incident took place:
= On this particular day, he was dressed in a long Kurta (shirt). As he stepped out of his house, a few female prostitutes walked past him. In order to cover his eyes, Ala Hazrat quickly held the bottom of his Kurta with both his hands and lifted the Kurta over his face. When one of the prostitutes saw what he did, she said, "Well! Young man, you covered your eyes, but allowed your Satr to be shown." 
With his face and eyes still covered, the young Ala Hazrat replied, "When the eyes are tempted, then the heart becomes tempted. When the heart is tempted, then the concealed parts become tempted." So shocked and affected was this woman on hearing such a reply from a child that she lost consciousness.

= Another incident, which happened in the Month of Ramadan, also shows Ala Hazrat’s piety and fear of Allah. 
It should be known that for a little child to keep fast in India during the summer season is very difficult. The average temperature on a summer's day rises to approximately 50 degrees Celsius. Fasting was not Farz (obligatory) upon him because he was still a child, but on this day he intended to keep fast. The heat of the sun that day was intense. Hazrat Allamah Naqi Ali Khan took his young son, Ala Hazrat (Rehmatullahi Taala Alayh), into a room where sweets were kept. He closed the door and said, "There, eat the sweets." Ala Hazrat replied that he was fasting. His father then said, "The fasting of children is always like this. The door is closed and no one is looking. Now you may eat." On hearing this, the young Ala Hazrat respectfully said, "Through Whose command I am fasting, He is seeing me." On hearing this answer from a small child, tears began to flow from the eyes of Hazrat Allamah Naqi Ali Khan ( Rehmatullahi Taala Alayh ). He then left the room with Ala Hazrat ( Rehmatullahi Taala Alayh ).


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