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Jul 4, 2014

Short Ahadeeth Collection - 4 July 2014

#Whoever serves a fasting person with something to do #Iftar, will be forgiven for his sins. [#Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah, V2, P911, #Hadith 1887]

Whoever serves a fasting person with something to do Iftar his neck will be freed from the fire of Hell. [Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah, #Hadith 1887]

The first ten days of #Ramadan are mercy, the middle ten days are forgiveness & its last ten days are freedom from the fire of Hell. #Hadith

Whoever treats his slave leniently in #Ramadan will be forgiven & freed from the fire of Hell. [Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah, V2, P911, #Hadith 1887]

#Ramadan is the month of sympathy, and the believer’s sustenance is increased in this month. [#Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah, V2, P911, #Hadith 1887]

In #Ramadan, every day, Allah frees 1 million such sinners from Hell for whom Hell had become Wajib. [#KanzulUmmal, V8, P223, #Hadith 23716]

In every moment of #Friday (in #Ramadan), Allah frees one million such #sinners from #Hell who had deserved damnation. #Hadith #KanzulUmmal

The one who remembers Allah in #Ramadan will be forgiven and the one who asks Allah for anything in this month will not be deprived. #Hadith


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