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Aug 3, 2018

Soldiers Of The Deen

The Alim e Deen is like the soldier, who guards the border.

When the enemy plans to attack the first point of defence it sees are the solidiers. The enemy knows if we can get beyond these then to conquer the lands is easy. Everything depends on the solidiers, the huge responsibility of protecting the lands is on the solidiers. This is why every country has huge respect for its soldiers who guard the borders and save the people and the lands from destruction. 
In the same way the Ulama are the defenders of the Deen. They are the ones who are responsible to protect the Deen. If the Ulema are ignored the people and the lands are destroyed by jaahiliyyat.
If the citizens of the lands take up arms and try and do the job of the soldiers, the job of the enemy is made extremely easy, as the citizens do not have the training, the experience and the know how of when to attack and when to defend, how to operate the weapons at their disposal etc. This is the responsibility of the experts, the soldiers.

My dear brothers, let the experts, the Ulema do their responsibilities and the laymen do theirs. If the laymen begin to do what the Ulema are supposed to do, then there will be chaos, because the Ulema have the skills, the knowledge, the experience and the know how, our job is to follow them, like a patient follows the advice of a dr and does not question the medicine he is given.

Allah Almighty save us from all fitan and safeguard our Imaan. 

Faqeer Muhammad Shakeel Qaadiri Ridawi


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