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Sep 12, 2020

Devices or Vices of Destruction?

There is a discussion that many of us shy away from, either due to guilt or due to heedlessness, but I think it has to be addressed. 

Off late we have seen that many people, both young and old have become addicted to computer and mobile games, and many of them even neglect their Salaahs and other Deeni and Family duties due to this. Some are so engrossed in it that they cannot hear the Azaan or even the calls of their parents. 

It is also seen that this is becoming one of the leading causes to breakdowns in marriages and family life. Almost all of us are affected by this in some way or the other.

Our children are so addicted and lost in these games that they have lost their bearings. Many children are later found suffering from depression and other harmful effects due to this.

I have a friend who is an Optician and he said to me that they have not seen as many children with vision problems as they are seeing now, due to these games and other uses of the phones and tabs by children. 

Studies have shown that 9 out of 15 children have absence seizures while playing mobile games. Many children later suffer from epilepsy and there are more children becoming epileptic now than ever before.

Studies have shown children having serious behavioral issues and violent streaks due to violent mobile games which they play. Many of these games have been said to have abusive language and sexual content. Parents claim to have it under control, but let's be honest. There is no control. What are 7,8,9 or ten year olds, and at times younger ones, doing with their own cell phone? 

When we are unable to control this, we go the Ulama asking for Ta'weez and saying Maulana I think my child is affected by something or possessed. Indeed your child is affected and possessed. He or she is affected by a game addiction, and both possessed and obsessed by this evil. 

Sadly this is also the case with adults as well today. Some spend more time playing games than their children. What respect will your child have for you. Some proudly say, I am a Gamer. How proud will you be of this baseless credential, when Munkar and Nakeer come to you in your grave, tearing through the earth with their massive teeth?

Stop using these games as a means to keep your child occupied, so they do not stress you out. Its time to wake up from this slumber before it's too late.

Those who do this should realise the following:

1. This is a vice which the kuffaar have invented to distract people from their lives, and moreso it distracts a Muslim from his or her duties towards Almighty Allah.

2. The amount of money and time wasted in this can never be regained, and you will be held accountable for it in the hereafter.

3. How much of time do you spend in Ibaadat, Tilaawat and Durood Shareef in your day, and how many Qaza Salaahs are you liable for? 

4. Are we willing to waste the valuable time which Allah has given us as an Amaanah, knowing well that we will be held accountable in the hereafter?

5. Is this what we want for our children? Why are we destroying our children's lives by throwing them into harms way?

I want to end this brief message with a question which was posed to Huzoor Sayyidi Taajush Shariah Radi Allahu Anhu, and the subsequent response of The Great Imam and Qutb ul Aqtaab of this Era.

The Question

What is the ruling about playing carom board, snooker, chess, and cards, without setting any conditions or without the intention of gambling? Is the ruling regarding playing games on the phone and computer games also the same?

The Verdict

This is futile entertainment and games and according to the Shari'at it is impermissible and Haraam i.e. forbidden, even if it is played without any conditions. If it is played with conditions, then this is impermissible and Haraam upon Haraam, and categorically Haraam, because it then falls in the category of gambling, and if it is without this then it is still not permitted and the same ruling is regarding playing games on the phone etc. 

After sharing the above verdict of Huzoor Sayyidi Taajush Shariah Radi Allahu Anhu, I must say once again; Listen to what the Pious Servants of Almighty have advised. They know well why they have given these rulings. 

Can you imagine a person who has Qaza Salaah of years on his head asking if it is permissible to play video games? Where is the logic! 

I pray that we all realise what we are doing and sincerely repent and rectify our lives before the Angel of Death visits us.

I end this discussion with Sayyidi Aala Hazrat's words:

Shab Subh Tuk Sona Tujhe 
Din Lahw Me Khona Tujhe

Sharm e Nabi, Khawf e Khuda,
Ye Bhi Nahi, Wo Bhi Nahi

Until Late Morning You Sleep Without Commitment,
Your Entire Day is Wasted in Fun & Entertainment,

Before The Nabi Neither Do You Have Any Shame or Atonement,
Nor In The Court of Allah, Have You Any Fear of His Judgement



Sag e Mufti e Azam
Muhammad Afthab Cassim Qaadiri Razvi Noori

Imam Mustafa Raza Research Centre
Durban, South Africa


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