Abul Qasim Tabri narrates from Wahab, that he heard Laith bin Sa’ad saying, “I was on my way to Hajj by foot in 113 Hijri and I reached Makkah Muazammah. I reached Jabl Abu Qais close to the time of Asr Salaah. There, I saw a pious man sitting (in seclusion), making dua. He was saying ‘Ya Rabbi Ya Rabbi’ so many times, that breathing became difficult. Then in the same way, he said ‘Ya Hayy Ya Hayy’ then ‘Ya Rab’bahu Ya Rab’bahu, then in the same say, he said ‘Ya Allah Ya Allah’ in one breath continuously. He then said ‘Ya Rahmaanu Ya Rahmaanu, Ya Raheemu Ya Raheemu’ and then he went on to say ‘Ya Arhamar Raahimeen’. He then said, “O Allah I desire to eat grapes. Please bless me with some, and my clothes have become old and tattered Please give me new ones.” Hazrat Laith says, “By Allah, he was still competing his dua, when I saw a basket of grapes kept before him, whereas it was not event the grape season and I did not see an grapes near him before his dua. I also saw that there were two pieces of cloth kept near the grapes. I have never seen such beautiful material before. He then sat down to eat the grapes. I went up to him and said, Huzoor! May I also have a part in this?, and he asked how this was so, so I said, I was saying Aameen as you made the dua. He said, ‘Well then, step forward and join me.’ I also began to partake in the grapes. They were so tasty, that never have I eaten such delicious grapes. I ate until I was satisfied, but the basket still remained as it was before, full of grapes. He then offered on piece of cloth to me, and I said that I had no need for it, so he tied one around his waist, and he draped the other over his shoulder. He then descended from the mountain and I followed him. As he drew close to Saffa and Marwa, a beggar called out to him and said, ‘O Descendant of the Prophet Sall-Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam! Give these clothes to me and Allah will dress you in the clothes of Jannat.” He immediately gave the two pieces of cloth to the beggar. (On seeing this), I enquired about the identity of this pious man from the beggar, who informed me that he was Hazrat Jaafar Saadiq. I then looked for him so that I may listen to some words of wisdom from him and attain his blessings, but he had disappeared from my sight.”
(Ridwanullahi Ta'ala Alaihim Ajmaeen)
[Tazkiratul Awliyah pg. 12]
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