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May 29, 2014

Short Ahadeeth Collection - 29 May 2014

The heat of #Jahannam will only be for my #Ummah like the heat of the hot baths. [#Tabarani, Mu'jam Awsat, Vol. 6, Page 354, #Hadith 6603]

If the people of the #Jannah had traded, they would have traded in #cloth. [#Musnad Abi Ya'la, Vol. 1, Page 104, #Hadiht 111 ]

The one who repents is like one who has not sinned. [#Sunan #IbnMajah, Vol. 4, Page 491, #Hadith 4250]

The closest person to me on the day of judgement will be the one who recites #Durood upon me the most. [#Tirmidhi, V2, P27, #Hadith 484]

I have been commanded to break drums and flutes (musical instruments). [#Daylami, Firdaws al-Akhbar, Vol. 1, Page 483, #Hadith 1612]

#Songs and #Lahw grow hypocrisy in the heart as water grows greenery. [#Daylami, Firdaws al-Akhbar, Vol. 3, Page 141, #Hadith 4204]

#Indeed, the #Quran and remembrance of Allah make faith grow in the heart as water grows grass. [#Daylami, Firdaws al-Akhbar, #Hadith 4204]

If anyone sits near a #singer and listens to her, Allah will pour molten lead into his ears. [#KanzulUmmal, Vol. 15, Page 96, #Hadith 40662]


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