Seeking #knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim male and female. [#Sunan #IbnMajah, Vol. 1, Page 146, #Hadith 224]
Acquire #knowledge before it is lifted because none of you is aware when he is in need of the thing that he possesses. #Hadith #KanzulUmmal
Refrain from obeying your wishes, and desist from embracing Bid'ah (innovation). [Kanz al-Ummal, Vol. 10, Page 72, #Hadith 28861]
Never fall into spying anyone, and hold firmly the age-old (#Islamic) traditions. [Kanz al-Ummal, Vol. 10, Page 72, #Hadith 28861]
Every child is born on the nature of #Islam but his parents make him a Jewish, a Christian or a fire worshipper. [#Bukhari, #Hadith 1385]
The #angels do not enter that house in which there is a #dog or a #picture. [#Sahih #Muslim, Page 1165, #Hadith 2106]
Aware, this religion is strong. Do not make the worship of Allah a burden upon yourselves. [Kanz al-Ummal, Vol. 3, Page 20, #Hadith 5374]
Nothing is commenced on #Wednesday but that it reaches completion. [Kashf al-Khafa, Vol. 2, Page 163, #Hadith 2189]
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