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Dec 31, 2013

Mzinduzi Wa Dini - Imam Ahmad Ridaa (Part 2)‏ (Kiswahili)

Assalaamu alaikum,
Natumai hamjambo. Ifuatayo ni sehemu ya mwisho ya risala fupi kuhusu mzinduzi wa Dini.
Baada ya kumshukuru Allah na kumtakia Rahma Mtume Muhammad Swallallahu Alaihi wasallam, aya hapo juu ya 8 kutoka Sura Al Bayyinah (98), inayozungumzia malipo ya wamchao Allah.
TAFISIRI: Malipo yao kwa Mola wao Mlezi ni Bustani za daima, zipitazo mito kati yake, watakaa humo milele. Allah yu radhi nao, na wao waradhi naye, hayo ni kwa anaemuogopa Mola wake Mlezi.
Imam Ahmad Ridaa – mzinduzi wa karne ya 14 ya Kiislam.
Alizaliwa mwezi 10 Shawwaal (Mfungo Mosi) 1272h.
Alikamilisha kusoma Quran (Msahafu) akiwa na umri wa miaka 4 tu; kwa kawaida watoto wa miaka 4 au hata 5 ndiyo kwanza huanza kusoma herufi za Quran.
Alihitimisha taaluma katika fani zote za dini katika umri wa miaka 13 na miezi 10 tu na alianza kuandika fatwa ya kwanza. Baada ya hapo baba yake alimkabidhi kazi ya kuandika fatwa, ila baba yake ndiye alikuwa akizisadikisha na kuweka sahihi . Baada ya miaka kama 10 hivi, ndipo baba yake alimkabidhi rasmi mwanae kazi hiyo.
Katika umri wa miaka 22, alifunga safari ya kwanza ya hijja pamoja na baba yake na huko alikutana na wanazuoni maarufu kina Sayyid Ahmad Zayni Dahlan na Mufti Abdullah bin AbdulRahman Siraaj. Hata siku 1, Imam wa Msikiti wa Makkah alimuambia Imam ahmad Ridaa : Naapa kwa Jina la Mola, naona Nuru ya Allah usoni mwako.
Baada ya miaka 28, alifunga safari ya pili ya hijja, akifuatana na kaka yake na mwanae. Aliulizwa na Shariff wa Makkah kuhusu elimu ya uficho (ilm-ul-ghaib) ya Mtume Swallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, na hivyo alitunga kitabu katika lugha ya Kiarabu “Al Dawlah Al Makkiyah”, ambacho kilikubalika kwa kiasi kikubwa sana kiliposomwa mbele ya wanazuoni waliokuwepo kipindi hicho. Licha ya kitabu hicho, Imam Ahmad Ridaa alitunga vitabu kama “Hussamul Haramain” (panga la Misikiti miwili Takatifu juu ya koo la wasioamini na waongo). Kitabu hiki kinazungumzia imani na itikadi potovu ya “waislam” wanaomkashifu Allah na Mtume Swallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Pia ni mtunzi wa vitabu zaidi ya 1,000.
Alifariki mwezi 25 Safar (Mfungo 5), 1340h. Mcha Mungu mmoja nchini Syria aliota kikao cha Mtume Swallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ambamo aliulizwa ni nani anaesubiriwa. Mtume Swallallahu Alaihi Wasallam akajibu kuwa ni kipenzi chake aitwae Ahmad Ridaa. Asubuhi yake baada ya kuuliza, Mcha Mungu huyo alifunga safari ya kwenda India kuonana na Ahmad Ridaa, na alipofika katika kitongoji cha Barelvi, aliambiwa kuwa amefariki siku chache tu zilizopita, na alipokumbuka ndoto yake, kumbe ni kweli ilikuwa siku ile ile.
Maswali / maoni yanakaribishwa.
Muhammad KHATRI 

The Sacred Knowledge of Aala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan al-Baraylawi (Alayhir Rahmah)
The Great Imaam and Mujaddid, Sayyiduna AlaHadrat Imam Ahmad Rida al-Qadiri (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu) was only 4 years old when he completed the recitation of the Holy Qur'an. Due to the extraordinary intelligence bestowed upon him by Almighty ALLAH, AlaHadrat Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu completed his Islamic Education at the very young age of 13 years, 10 months and 5 days.

The Illustrious Teachers of Imaam Ahmad Rida
AlaHadrat (Radi Allahu Anhu) gained his basic knowledge at home. He later continued his studies under the guidance of certain noted teachers. He studied under his father, Hadrat Allama Mawlana Naqi Ali Khan (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu). He completed his primary education by Janab Mirza Ghulam Qadir Baig, by whom he studied the book, "Mizaan-e-Munsha'ab." AlaHadrat (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu) also studied under the guidance of the following luminous personalities:

1. Hadrat Mawlana Abdul Ali Rampuri (Radi Allahu Anhu)
2. Shaykh al-Kabeer, Hadrat Allama Syed Shah Abul Hussain Ahmad Noori (Radi Allahu Anhu)
3. Shaykh al-Tariqah, Hadrat Allama Shah Ale Rasool Mahrahrwi (Radi Allahu Anhu)
4. Shaykh Ahmad bin Zain Dahlaan al-Makki (Radi Allahu Anhu)
5. Shaykh Abdur Rahman Makki (Radi Allahu Anhu), and
6. Shaykh Hussain bin Saleh Makki (Radi Allahu Anhu)

AlaHadrat and the Ulama of Haramain

When AlaHadrat went to perform his first HAJJ and Zyarah on the 26th of Shawwal 1295 A.H. (1876). He was only 20 years old at that time. One day, after completing his Hajj, he went to perform his Maghrib Salaah before the Maqaam-e-Ibrahim (Alaihis Salam). Having completed his Salaah, the Imam of the Shafi'ee order of Makkatul Mukarramah, Allama Hussain bin Saleh Kamaal (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu), approached him. He clutched AlaHadrat (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu) by his hand and led him to his house. The great Imam then placed his hand on the blessed forehead of AlaHadrat (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu) and said:

"Verily, I am observing the Noor of Almighty Allah on this forehead."

Without hesitation, he blessed AlaHadrat (Radi Allahu Anhu) with the Sanad (Certificate) of Sihah Sitta (Six Compilers of Hadith: Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah, Abu Dawood, Tirmizi and Nisa'i). He also began addressing AlaHadrat (Radi Allahu Anhu) by the title of "Dia al-Din" or "The Light or Splendour of Deen." The speciality of this Sanad is that it has only Eleven (11) levels to Imam Bukhari.

AlaHadrat (Radi Allahu Anhu) was also blessed with the Asnaad (Certificates) of Hadees o Fiqah, Usool o Tafseer and etc. from the Mufti of the Hanafi order in Makkatul Mukarramah, Sayyiduna Allama Abdur Rahmaan Siraaj Hanafi and Mufti of the Shafi'ee order in Makkatul Mukarramah, Mufti Shaykh Sayyad Ahmad Dahlaan Shafi'ee (Radi Allahu Anhuma).

When he went for his Second Hajj in 1323/1905, he stayed for three months in the Holy Land and constantly searched for anyone who had higher-ranking Sanad of Hadith then His Sanad of Hadith. He wanted to take it from him and elevate His existing Sanad of Hadith. But Alhamdulillah! His Sanad was the highest and everyone took Sanads from him. Shaykh Abd al-Rahmaan Dah’laan, the youngest son of Shaykh Ahmed Dah’laan and his elder brother, Shaykh Asad Dah’laan (Qaadi of Makkah at that time) both took Sanad of Hadith from him too. And Shaikh Saaleh Kamal, the most Knowledgable Scholar of Makkah at that time, though he was a senior Aalim, but he insisted in taking Sanad-e-Hadith and other Ijazah from AlaHadrat. AlaHadrat tried to evade this for a few days in respect but it was in vain. Shaikh Saaleh Kamal constantly insisted and forced AlaHadrat to issue them to him.

The Ulama of Arab who praised Imam Ahmad Rida

Following is the list of some of the Giants and Celebrated ‘Ulama and Imams of the Arab World who highly praised Imam Ahmad Rida and acknowledged his books and teaching as strictly in accordance to the Shariah and the tenants of the Ahlus-Sunnah wa Jama‘ah:

1. Shaykh Muhammad Sa’eed bin Muhammad Salam Ba Busail
2. Shaykh Ahmad bin Abdullah Abu al Khair Mirdad
3. Shaykh Muhammad Saleh bin Sadiq Kamal
4. Shaykh ‘Ali bin Sadiq Kamal
5. Maulana Shah Muhammad Abdul Haq Alahabadi Muhajar Makki
6. Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad Marzooqi Abu-Hussain bin Abdur Rehman Hussaini
7. Shaykh Umer bin abuBakr ba Junaid
8. Shaykh Muhammad ‘Abid bin Husain Maliki
9. Shaykh Muhammad ‘Ali bin Hussain Maliki
10. Shaykh Muhammad Jamal bin Muhammad Amir bin Hussain Maliki
11. Shaykh As’ad bin Ahmad Dahlaan
12. Shaykh Abdur Rehman bin Ahmad Dahlaan
13. Maulana Ahmad bin Muhammad Ziaudin Bengali Qadri Chishti
14. Shaykh Muhammad bin Yusaf Khiat
15. Shaykh Muhammad Saleh bin Muhammad ba Fazl
16. Shaykh Abdulkarim bin Hamza Daghastani Hashmi Naji
17. Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id bin Muhammad Yamani
18. Shaykh Muhammad Hamid bin Ahmad bin ‘Auz Jadawi
19. Shaykh Uthman bin Abdus Salam Daghastani
20. Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad Sa’eed bin Muhammad Maghrabi
21. Shaykh Muhammad bin Ahmad Umeri Wasti
22. Shaykh Sayyid Abbas bin Muhammad Ridwan
23. Shaykh Umer bin Hamdan Mahrasi
24. Shaykh Sayyid Ahmad bin Isma‘il Barzanji
25. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Taufiq Shalabi
26. Shaykh Sayyid Isma‘il bin Khalil
27. Shaykh Muhammad Yusuf Afghani
28. Shaykh Muhammad Tajuddin bin Mustafa Ilyas
29. Shaykh Sayyid Ahmad al Jazairi
30. Shaykh Khalil bin Ibrahim Kharbuti
31. Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad bin Muhammad Habib Didawi
32. Shaykh Muhammad bin Muhammad Sosi Khiari
33. Shaykh Muhammad Uzayr Wazir [Alaihim ar-raHma wa ar-Ridwan]

Branches of Knowledge
Imam Ahmad Rida studied under various teachers but with personal study, he perfected himself in more than 54 different disciplines of knowledge. The following 21 branches of Knowledge he learnt from his father:-

1. Ilm-al-Quran (Knowledge of the Quran)
2. Ilm-al-Hadith (Knowledge of Traditions)
3. Usul-e-Hadith (Principle of Traditions)
4. Fiqh-e-Hanafi (Hanfi Jurisprudence)
5. Kutub-e-Fiqh Jumla (All Books of Jurisprudence)
6. Usul-e-Fiqh (Principle of Jurisprudence)
7. Jadl-e-Muhazab.
8. Ilm-e-Tafseer (Knowledge of Exegesis of the Holy Quran)
9. Ilm-al Kalam (Scholastic theology)
10. Ilm-e-Nahav (Syntax)
11. Ilm-e-Sarf (Grammar, Accidence and Etymology)
12. Ilm-e-Maani (Elocution)
13. Ilm-e-Badi (Style)
14. Ilm-e-Bayan (Rhetoric)
15. Ilm-e-Mantique (Logic)
16. Ilm-e-Munazara (Dialectic)
17. Ilm-e-Takseer (Carrying figures)
18. Ilm-e-Falsafa (Philosophy)
19. Ilm-e-Hay’at (Astronomy)
20. Ilm-e-Hisab (Arithmetic)
21. Ilm-e-Hindasa (Geometry)

Following are the 10 disciplines of knowledge, which AlaHadrat haven't studied under any teacher but he had the Ijazat in these from discerning Ulama and He use to give Ijaza in these disciplines too.

22. Qirat (Recitation of the Quran)
23. Tajwid (Knowledge of Right pronunciation of the Quran.
24. Tasauwuf (Mysticism)
25. Suluk (Knowledge of manner in mystic)
26. Akhlaque (Ethics)
27. Asma-ul-Rajaal (Encyclopaedia of Narrators of Traditions)
28. Siyar (Biography)
29. Tawarikh (Chronology)
30. Loghat (Lexicon)
31. Adab-Ma-Jumla Funoon (Literature with all Arts)

Following are the 14 disciplines of Knowledge that Imam Ahmad Rida haven't learnt by any teachers:-

32. Arsamatiqi (Arithmetic)
33. Jabr-o-Muqabilah (Algebra)
34. Ilm-e-Tauqeet (Timings)
35. Logharsimat (Logarithms)
36. Hisab-e-Satini
37. Manazir-o-Maraya (sense & sight)
38. Ilm-ul-Ukur (spheres)
39. Zijaat (Astronomical tables)
40. Muthallath Kurvi (Spherical Trigonometry)
41. Muthallath Musattah (Plane Trigonometry)
42. Haiyate Jadeedah (Modern Astronomy)
43. Jafr (Numerology & literology)
44. Murabba'at (Quadrangular)
45. Za'icha (Horoscopes)
Following are the 10 branches of learning that he has received by the Heavenly Blessing inspired directly into his heart:

46. Nazm-e-Arabi (Arabic Poetry)
47. Nazm-e-Farsi (Persian Poetry)
48. Nazm-e-Hindi (Hindi Poetry)
49. Nathr-e-Urdu (Urdu Prose)
50. Nathre-Farsi (Persian Prose)
51. Nathre Arabi (Arabic Prose)
52. Khat-e-Naskh (Arabic Calligraphy)
53. Khat-e-Nastalique (Persian Calligraphy)
54. Tilawat ma'a Tajwid (Recitation of the Holy Quran with right pronunciation)
55. Ilm-e-Meeras (Knowledge of Inheritance)

Note:- Sayyidi AlaHadrat learnt Ilm-e-Takseer and Ilm-e-Jafr from Hadrat Abul Hussain Ahmed-e-Noori too but it was just to an extant not in depth as such.

The branches of knowledge of Imam Ahmad Rida, are more than 60. Here they are arranged according to the syllabus of Jamias & Universities written as under :-

1. Jurisprudence
2. Principle of Jurisprudence.
3. Lexicon of jurisprudence
4. Hadith
5. Principle of Hadith
7. Encyclopaedia of Hadith
7. Critical examination of Hadith.
8. Exegesis
9. Principle of Exegesis.
10. Scholastic theology
11. Islameology
12. Recitation of the Quran with right pronunciation.
13. Knowledge of the Quran & art of its translation
14. Dialectic.
15. Syntax & Etymology
16. Rhetoric and style & elocution
17. Linguistic and lexicon
18. Phonetic
19. Urdu prose
20. Arabic Prose
21. Persian Prose
22. Arabic poetry
23. Persian Poetry
24. Urdu poetry
25. Hindi poetry.
26. Explanation, criticism & appreciation
27. Prosody
28. Mysticism
29. Metaphysics
30. Incantation & Invocation
31. Jafr (Literology & Numerology)
32. Carrying the figures (Takseer)
33. Ethics
34. Logic
35. Philosophy
36. Psychology
37. Chronology & Biography
38. Sociology
39. Economics
40. Education
41. Political Science
42. Commerce
43. Banking
44. Arithmetic & Computation
45. Algebra (Factorization, equation of any degree, exponential series, Binomial theorem, set theory, Topology, Tensorial algebra)
46. Plane Trigonometry Euclidean logarithms
47. Spherical Trigonometry.
48. Euclidean Geometry
49. Coordinate Geometry
50. Timings
51. Horoscopes
52. Astronomy & Astronomical Tables
53. Hisab e Satini
54. Statistics
55. Dynamics
56. Statics
57. Hydro Dynamics
58. Hydrostatics
59. Zoology
60. Botany
61. Geology
62. Geography
63. Horticultise
64. Unani (Greek) Medicine
65. Physiology
66. Inorganic Chemistry
67. Organic Chemistry
68. Physical Chemistry
69. Bio Chemistry etc.

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Imam Ahmad Raza Academy
Durban, South Africa |

Dec 30, 2013

Aala Hazrat Derives His Year Of Demise From A Qur'anic Verse

Deriving the year of his demise from a Quranic verse, AlaHazrat (May Allah’s blessings be upon him) gave the news of his demise four months and twenty days before. That Quranic Ayah is as follows:

"Rounds of silver cups and silver beakers, looking like glass, will be presented upon them." [Surah al-Dahr, Verse 15]

According the to the Abjad calculation, the sum total of the numerals of this verse is 1340 and so as the Hijri year of his demise.

AlaHazrat (May Allah’s blessings be upon him) passed away on 25th Safar al-Muzaffar 1340 Hijri (28th October 1921) on Friday at 2:38 p.m. (according to Indian Standard Time). As soon as the Mu'azzin uttered Adhan, AlaHazrat Imam of Ahl al-Sunnah, Mujaddid of Ummah, Revivalist of Sunnah, Eradicator of Bid'ah, Scholar of Shariah, Guide of Tariqah, Allama Mawlana Al-Haaj Al-Hafiz Al-Qari Ash-Shah Imam Ahmad Rida Khan (May Allah’s blessings be upon him) departed this life.

"Indeed we belong to Allah and indeed it is to Him we are to return."

Even today, his blessed shrine is the focal point for visitors in Bareilly Sharif.

[Sawanih Imam Ahmad Raza, Page 384, Maktaba Nooriya Razawiyyah, Sukkur - Pakistan]

Dec 28, 2013

95 Pearls of Wisdom by Aala Hadrat @ his 95th URS Anniversary

95 Pearls of Wisdom by AlaHadrat
at his 95th URS Anniversary
[25th Safar 1435 Hijri]
  1. The first and foremost factor of Iman is respect for the RasoolAllah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam).
  2. Iman is to accept every word of Sayyiduna RasoolAllah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) as absolute and nothing else but the truth and to testify wholeheartedly to the reality and truth of Sayyiduna RasoolAllah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam).
  3. May that faithless person’s mouth burn who ever says that the Prophet’s clothes are dirty! If Allah Almighty gives him the tawfiq to have the right etiquettes why does he not say ‘the dust has taken refuge in the Prophet’s (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) clothes/cloak’?
  4. The practice of Qiyam is good and recommendable because it is honour and respect to the Beloved Nabi (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam). And indeed, this is a practice of the great Ulama and we follow them.
  5. (Only) that individual who is a master of sciences, he who knows the pitfalls the nuances of argument, and he who has all the force and he who has all the weaponry with him should venture into refuting the heretics. Even then, where is the need for such a man to go in a forest full of jackals?
  6. The beloved Messenger of Allah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) has two personal names. He is known as Ahmad in the past scriptures and Muhammad in the Holy Qur’an, (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam). There are countless attributive names of Sayyiduna Rasulullah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam), He is known by a distinct name in different areas. Every area (skies, earth, oceans, mountains, etc) knows him by a special name and he is addressed accordingly, (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam).
  7. If you desire my life, I will sacrifice it. If you desire my wealth I will give it. However, there is one thing that I will never sacrifice, and that is, the love and reverence for the beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam).
  8. Alhamdulillah! I have never loved my children or belongings for any other reason besides for the love and pleasure of Allah Almighty. My attachment with anything was solely for the pleasure of Allah Almighty. Hence, affection for my children is due to kindness for creation and this is a virtuous act (Sawab). My children are for me the means of doing good deeds and this is not in my control, but my nature, (characteristic or Fitrat).
  9. By Allah! Were my heart was split into two; one part will have inscribed la ilaha illAllah (لا اله إلا الله) and the other part Muhammadur Rasoolullah (محمد رسول الله).
  10. Sayyiduna RasoolAllah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) is immaculate and unique in all his qualities. Allah Almighty has created nothing like unto him. He is matchless in every aspect. The essence of his beauty is indivisible. No creation received or will receive a share of or a similarity of his unique beauty.
  11. For Iman to be real, two things must be present: reverence for the Prophet and making the love for the Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam).
  12. It is preferable to keep the child’s name ‘Muhammad’ alone and not to add any name to it because the excellence of the sacred name alone has been mentioned in the blessed Ahadith.
  13. It is a highest degree of compulsion on every Muslim to love and revere all the beloved servants of Allah Almighty and hate all His enemies. This is pristine iman.
  14. A Mu’min’s conduct and style must always be in conformation with the conduct and commands of Sayyiduna RasoolAllah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam). Any contradictions to His command, is indeed, direct opposition and disobedience to Almighty Allah.
  15. Musical instruments are prohibited (haram) and shall always remain haram. If haram is adjudged halal only due to the factor that the masses are extremely involved in this action, then dissolving the Shari’ah will become a pipit in the hands of transgressors and wrongdoers.
  16. Musical instruments are haram and have no space in the Shari’ah, however to sing without music on the occasion of khatnah is permissible, provided that it will not create any fitnah.
  17. In regards to the beginning and ending of a date there are four different methods. The Christian method is that the date is counted from midnight to midnight. The second method is that of the Hindus, from sunrise to sunrise. The Greek philosophers count it from midday to midday. The fourth is the method of the Muslims, which is from sunset to sunset, and this is logical that there is darkness before light.
  18. When you awaken from sleep you should recite, Kalima Tayyiba thrice. The blessings of this beginning of the day will continue throughout the day.
  19. The major [kaba’ir] sins are seven hundred. Whatever constitutes to the disobedience of Allah Almighty is a major sin. whatever sin you consider light, is a great one.
  20. Do not curse yourself, friends, family and wealth as one never knows whether it is time of acceptance of that curse and if it does come true then it will cause a great deal of sorrow to you.
  21. Do not leave your homes without an acceptable reason late at night when all are asleep and the streets are quiet. It is stated in many authentic Ahadith that at this time bad-omen (bala) travels very freely in the atmosphere.
  22. Do not go to sleep without washing your hands after meals, as the Shaytan licks them.
  23. Ignorance is a sin in itself. There is no excuse for not offering prayer due to ignorance.
  24. If Major and minor (Sins) are separately counted then people will do it considering them light, they will be worse than major sins.
  25. The sacred Ziyarah of Madina Munawwarah is necessary with every hajj performed.

  26. A person who does not love and respect the exalted Nabi (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam), even though that person worships all his life, his worship is fruitless and rejected.
  27. There are many ‘Abd-Allah’s in this world, but the true and sincere ‘Abd-Allah is he, who is ‘Abd-e Mustafa [servant of the Beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam)]. If it is not so, then he is surely an ‘Abd-e Shaytan.
  28. One must always be aware of one’s condition and not exceed the limit of one’s understanding.
  29. One must not be proud when praised and accept one’s faults when corrected.
  30. All the misled were destroyed when they tried to use their limited knowledge to wrongfully interpret the verses of the Holy Qur’an. They could not fully understand the Ayahs so they used their own interpretation and misinterpreted them. Such people’s brains are worse than that of monkeys.
  31. Concerning music, there is no question of eligibility or qualification; nor is it allowed for anybody to listen to music. Except for the mesmerised, the enthralled those who have lost their mental faculties and are hence not held liable by the Divine Law.
  32. It is impermissible and forbidden to call Madina Tayyiba as Yathrib. It is a sin and the one who says it a sinner.
  33. To visit RasoolAllah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) is near to being Wajib. Many people dressed in the guise of friends scare one by saying there is danger on the way, there is illness. Beware! Do not listen to anyone and never return deprived. Your life has to end one day anyway. What could be better than losing your life in his way? And it is has been seen that whosoever clings to the Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam), he keeps them in his protection. WalHamdulillah.
  34. To convey the reward of anything to Allah Ta’ala is ignorance as He is free from this need. He is Ghani al-MuTlaq. To say, ‘Thawab Bakhshna’ (give reward) is disrespectful to the Prophets or the Awliya as ‘bakhshna’ is used to mean a bigger person giving to a smaller one. He should say "Nazr karna" (dedicate) or ‘Hadya karna’ (present) as this is free from disrespect.
  35. We know that eyes are impermanent and the impermanent cannot see the eternal. Hence, it is unique to the dear Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) to see Allah in this world.
  36. Whichever issue was not dealt with by Imam Abu hanifa, it will remain perplexing until the day of judgement. When Imam Abu Yousuf became confused regarding certain issues , he would say: “When there is no ruling from our teacher; then this is our state”.
  37. The Doomsday is near - Good people are leaving the world. Whoever leaves does not leave behind his deputy. When Imam Bukhari died he left behind ninety thousand disciples and scholars of hadith (Muhaddith). Sayyiduna Imam al-Aazam Radi Allahu Anhu on his death left behind one thousand Mujtahids who were his disciples. And these days thousands die but leave behind nobody.
  38. To be a Muhaddith is the first step on the ladder of knowledge (‘Ilm) and to be a Mujtahid is the last destination.
  39. Mild fever, cold, pain and other light diseases, once in a while, are a blessing for the body not a problem. On the contrary absence of mild diseases is a problem.
  40. Concentrating on Allah Almighty after drifting in thoughts is Jihad al-Nafs (Striving in the way of Allah Almighty) and Jihad against the lower self is great Jihad.
  41. If food and sweets are given to the ascetics (fuqra), it is sadqah (charity). If given to the near ones, then it is Compassion, and if give to friends, then it is, repast. All these three acts invite Mercy and Expel hardships and difficulties.
  42. People and things which are close to Allah should be respected. Because of their nearness to Allah their respect is the veneration of Allah.
  43. Had the Imams not been then hadith (Prophetic Tradition) would not been understood, if the hadiths would have not been understood then the Book of Allah Almighty would not had been understood, and if the Book of Allah had not existed then there would not have been Allah Almighty’s order.
  44. The construction of the Pyramids of Egypt took place some 5750 years before the creation of Nabi Adam ‘Alayhis salam. Nabi Adam ‘Alayhis salam appeared on earth more than 7000 years ago. This construction was certainly the work of the Jinns who had already inhabited the earth 60000 years before the physical appearance of Nabi Adam ‘Alayhis Salam.
  45. If someone has made confirmed decision that he will not take rest until offer all his remaining prayers (salat) and suppose that in this condition that person dies after a month or after a day then Allah out of His mercy will reward all his Prayers.
  46. O Muslims! O those who sincerely follow the Shari’ah of Rasoolullah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam)! Know and certainly know that Sajdah for any other than Allah the Almighty and All-Powerful is absolutely not permitted. To make Sajdah Ibadah to anyone other than Allah Almighty is undoubtedly and certainly Shirk and open Kufr. Sajdah Ta’zimi is haram and there is also a controversy among some ‘Ulama whether such a person who performs Sajda Ta’zimi is a Kafir or not. Such prostration for one’s spiritual shaykh or Mazar of a Wali is not permitted, but is a grievous sin and also haram.
  47. Salvation depends on the fact that every single belief of the Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah be so firm that one will remain firm even if the sky and the earth vanishes.
  48. Concerning this fact of the black mark that appears on the forehead due to performing Sajdah, it is established that if this has been done intentionally for the sake of show, then it is haram and a grave sin. If the mark appeared due to excessive and sincere Sajdah for the Pleasure of Allah Almighty and the person felt very happy and proud about it, then it is an act of Riya’ (Hypocrisy). That mark for him becomes a sin and if the mark appears and that person does not bother about it then it is Mahmood (Beneficial, Excellent).
  49. Never sit or associate yourselves with oppressors, sinners, transgressors, heretics and faithless people for there is a great chance of being influenced, if not so, then accused or being blamed.
  50. O Group of ‘Ulama! If you put yourself in Mubahat (Permissible) leaving Mustahabat (Desirables), People will fall into Makroohat (detested). If you commit Makrooh, people will get into Haram (Explicitly prohibited). If you carry out haram, people will indulge in Kufr (Infidelity).

  51. A spiritual shaykh who does not respect and follow the Shari’ah is himself in darkness and totally incapable of illuminating (rating someone else’s path or guiding them). Such people are disciples of Shaytan and the enemies of Islam.
  52. To follow any path other than that of the Shari’ah is the path of the Cursed Shaytan.
  53. The evil jesters who mock the ‘Ulama and jeer at the teachings of the Shari’ah, they (falsely) claim that the ‘Ulama and the Fuqara have always been at odds with each other. These ignorant idiots cast doubts over the most eminent ‘Ulama and question their integrity.
  54. True love is when all actions are within the framework of the Shari’ah. Any action outside this is not regarded as love for Allah Almighty and His Beloved Rasool (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam).
  55. When an ignorant person worships or tries to tread on the path of Sufism, the Shaytan makes him dance on his finger tips by putting his reins in his mouth, the bridle in the nose and drags him to wherever he desires.
  56. The Beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) is the king of the universe and reflects the majesty and grandeur of the Real King. His order prevails in the whole universe. All are His subjects and servants. Whatever he desires, Allah makes it possible.
  57. The people of unbelief should be told to come into the circle of Islam first and prove that they are true Muslims and then other issues can be discussed.
  58. True Muslims (Ahl-e-Qibla) are those who have firm faith on all essentials of the faith.
  59. The belief in Allah Ta’ala along with all the essentials of religion and affirmation of faith is important because the denial of anyone of them is the denial of Allah.
  60. All the ordinances of the Shari’ah — body, soul and heart — and the sayings and knowledge of the saints and learned are essential for the believers.
  61. Those whose faith is in doubt should be treated mildly for they may reform themselves.
  62. The definition of the learned (Aalim) is that he should be aware of the dogmas and is able to locate all his necessities from the Book without any help.
  63. The victims of the great flood (of Nooh’s time) did not have any descendants. Only the progeny of Sayyiduna Nooh ‘Alayhis salam lives on this earth.
  64. Those who visit the graves the spirits see them clearly; listens and understands their words. After death the power of the spirit increases manifold whether it is a Muslim or an unbeliever.
  65. The Caliphate of the Righteous caliphs was inspired by the Prophetic tradition such as that of Umar bin Abdul Aziz Radi Allahu Anhu. And now in my view such Khilafah will be established by Imam Mahdi Radi Allahu Anhu in future.
  66. The private knowledge is particular to the Lord (Subhanuhu wa Ta'ala) and is not possible for anyone else. And who ever proves even the smallest amount of it to be for anyone else in all the worlds commits without doubt the denial of Allah and polytheism.
  67. Both legally and rationally it is impossible for anyone among the creatures to encompass Allah Ta’ala’s information so far as its full details are concerned. Even if knowledge of all creatures from the first to the last is summed up it would never in comparison be equal to that of the knowledge of Allah Ta’ala, even so much as one part out of one million parts of a drop is in comparison with one million seas.
  68. The Personal-Absolute, All- inclusive and Exhaustive knowledge is particular to Allah Ta’ala, and men cannot have the absolute knowledge but through the Divine Bestowal.
  69. The worst are of two types: (i) The worst by word who burble orally (ii) The worst by act who keep silent by the tongue but keep at their wickedness and malevolence. The Wahabiyya are both of these.
  70. The meaning of ‘Ilm is that one be fully equipped with the ‘Aqaid (beliefs) of Islam and this knowledge must be constantly fresh in the mind at all times. One must also have the capability of solving any question on Deen from books without the assistance of any person.
  71. Sitting in the company of the learned and the pious also develops ‘Ilm. Their company, talks and advice have a great bearing in obtaining knowledge.
  72. Sound knowledge is that which has a good understanding of Fiqah.
  73. The existence of the Sublime Being of the Almighty Subhanuhu wa Ta'ala is compulsory for Him and whatever else exists, is the manifestation of Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta'ala. Thus, in reality, there is only one single existence (i.e. Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta'ala)
  74. Human desires are acceptable as long as there are no Islamic restrictions found in them.
  75. Whatever the four Imams say is all in accordance to the Shari’ah. If they disagreed with the Shari’ah, then why were they called Imams? It is the duty of every Muslim to obey and follow the Imams.

  76. There is no Salat al-Janazah (Funeral Prayer) for a Wahabi, Rafdi, Qadiyani and all heretics. Salat al-Janazah is for a Muslim who holds Islamic beliefs and not for the Kuffar or Apostate. After knowing this fact and still reading Salat al-Janazah for such a person is Kufr.
  77. Wahabis (Deobandis), Ahl-e hadith, Qadiyani etc. want that principles be ignored and discussion should take place on non-essentials. They should not be given any opportunity.
  78. To shave off completely or trim the beard very short once is a minor sin and to habitually do so is a major sin. This continuous act will make you a Fasiq Mua’llin and the Court of Shari’ah will reject one as a valid witness. To perform Salah with Jama’ah behind such a person is forbidden and if Salah performed, it will be incumbent to repeat that Salah. If one does not do so, then one will be a great sinner.
  79. Whatever offensive Wahabis say to me does not the least bother me. Some of these shameless hypocrites send anonymous letters full of vulgar language to me. I do not receive one or two, but Allah Almighty knows how many such obscene letters are sent to me all the time. These things do not affect or bother me. In fact, I make Shukr that Almighty Allah has made me a shield of Islam. The amount of time they spend sending abuses on me, at least those moments of the Wahabi go empty in insulting Almighty Allah and His Beloved Rasool (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam). It does not even cross my mind to reply to these obscene letters nor do I feel bad about them. This is so, because my honour is meant to be sacrificed on the honour of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam).
  80. Islam itself will never be subjugated, but a Muslim will be. The humiliation of a Muslim does not humiliate Islam in any way.
  81. A Muslim may experience great hardship in his lifetime in this Dunyya, but if he is given a little breeze of Jannah and asked, “What hardship did you experience in the world?” he will reply, “By Allah! Nothing at all.” On the contrary, if a Kafir is given the life of a King for a thousand years in this world and never experience any hardship whatsoever, not even the heat of the sunshine, but when a slight gush of air from the Fire of Hell will be released on him in his grave and then Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala will asks him about the pleasures of Dunya, he will say, “I did not experience any pleasures and peace in the Dunya!”
  82. Only one lacking Hidayah will regard the pleasures of this world as true pleasures and its hardship as hardship, while in reality, it is the opposite.
  83. There are three things necessary in this world, a little food for survival, a piece of cloth to cover the body and a hole (shelter) to sit in. There is enough halal money to acquire these basic things. When the Nafs becomes weak, the soul and heart becomes powerful. When this happens, sit in a hole without food for eight days and no harm will come to you. This is so because spirituality will control the physical body. The Divine Mercy of Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta'ala nourishes the soul which supports the physical body.
  84. Sometimes to disregard a minor sins may lead to Kufr if the sin relates to the necessities of Deen (dharooriyat-e Deen). The ‘Ulama state that if someone commits a sin and people ask him to repent and if he says, “What wrong did I do that you ask me to make Tawba?”, this is Kufr. There are many minor sins (Saghira) that are from the necessities of Deen and if one regards them as halal, and then one will become a Kafir. Similarly, if anyone regards a minor sin as insignificant, it becomes Kabira (major). The pious Awliya-Allah state that one sin links to another. One must not see whether a sin is minor or major, but observe whose Divine Laws you are breaking. If one realizes that one is a criminal in the Court of Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta'ala, one will not differentiate between minor and major sins. One will not sin at all.
  85. In this world, iman is absolute excellence and Kufr is absolute evil. Besides these two, there is nothing good or evil.
  86. If leaving out a Mubah leads to the disgrace of a Muslim then that Mubah becomes Wajib because it is haram to disgrace or humiliate a Muslim. Likewise, it is also Waajib to omit a Mubah that leads to the humiliation of a Muslim.
  87. We respect the scholar because we look upon him as a heir to the beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam). The lawful heir to the Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) is an individual who is on the right path. An insolent person, who is on the wrong path, is a heir to Satan rather than the Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam).
  88. A Muslim should not love his brother or his friend or anything else in this world more than Allah Almighty and His Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam).
  89. Those who are disrespectful towards the Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam), they should lose their respect and love in your hearts at once. You should leave them and throw them out like a fly thrown out of the milk. You should hate them. Don’t take your relationships and your friendships into consideration. Don’t feel impressed by their religious leadership and scholarship. Their cloaks and turbans should not impress you.
  90. Dear Brothers! You are credulous sheep of the beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam). Wolves are all around you and they yearn to misguide you and plunge you into the tumult (fitnah) and take you with them to the Hell-Fire. Run far away from them!!
  91. By the Grace of Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta'ala! I find myself in that state which the great Fuqaha have stated, that is, the performance of Sunnah Salah is exempted for a person who is totally engrossed in the khidmah (service) of Deen. Alhamdulillah! Though I am in this category but I have never missed any of my Sunnah Salah.
  92. The miracle of a Wali is his complete compliance to the teachings of the beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam). The steadfast adherence to the Shari’ah is the best of karamahs. A true Saint is righteous and follows the path laid down by the beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam).
  93. The secrets of spirituality are far beyond the comprehension of man. To doubt and ponder over this matter will certainly affect your Iman.
  94. One can achieve the love of Allah and His Rasool (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) by excessive recitation of the Holy Quran and Durood Sharif on Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam). Listening to correct Ash’aar of Naat Sharif and Qasidah in praise of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) recited in a very melodious voice further enhances this Divine Love. One must also ponder over the mercies and favors of Almighty Allah and His Rasool (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam).
  95. All Karamaat are Wahbi (by the Divine Grace of Allah). That which is earned otherwise is nothing but an illusion, which is used to fool and mislead people.
— — —
Compiled by:
Noori Ridawi al-Qadiri

The Room Where Aala Hazrat Was Born

The pictures depict the room where Sayyidi Aala Hazrat رحمۃ الله تعالیٰ علیہ was born  in Mohalla Zakhira, Bareilly Shareef

Mzinduzi Wa Dini - Imam Ahmad Ridaa (Part 1)‏ (Kiswahili)

Assalaamu alaikum,

Natumai hamjambo. Ifuatayo ni sehemu ya kwanza ya risala fupi kuhusu mzinduzi wa Dini.

Baada ya kumshukuru Allah na kumtakia Rahma Mtume Muhammad Swallallahu Alaihi wasallam, aya hapo juu ya 8 kutoka Sura Al Bayyinah (98), inayozungumzia malipo ya wamchao Allah.
TAFISIRI: Malipo yao kwa Mola wao Mlezi ni Bustani za daima, zipitazo mito kati yake, watakaa humo milele. Allah yu radhi nao, na wao waradhi naye, hayo ni kwa anaemuogopa Mola wake Mlezi.
 Tuelewe kuwa mlango wa Utume umeshafungwa na Mtume wa mwisho kuja ni Mtume wetu Swallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Hakuna Mtume atakaekuja tena, ila Mtume Isa atakuja kabla ya Qiyama, lakini atakuja kama umma wa Mtume Swallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
 HADITHI: Imepokewa riwaya na Abu Huraira RadwiyAllahu Anhu, amesema Mtume Swallallahu alaihi Wasallam kuwa Hakika Allah atamtuma mwanzoni mwa kila karne mtu kwa ajili ya umma huu atakaefufua na kurejesha dini yao. (Ameinukuu Abu Daud).
 Wafasiri na wanazuoni wanaelezea katika ufafanuzi wa Hadithi hapo juu kuwa inapofika kipindi/ muda/ nyakati ambapo uhaba/ upungufu wa maarifa/ ujuzi unaonekana au uzorotaji katika kufuata sunnah; kukithiri kwa uvumbuzi potofu na ujinga; ndipo Allah humleta mja wake aidha mwanzoni au mwishoni mwa kila karne atakaetofautisha Sunnah na uvumbuzi. Atazikanusha na kuziweka wazi uvumbuzi huo na hatamuogopa yeyote zaidi ya Allah katika hilo. Mtu huyo anajulikana kama mjadidi/ mzinduzi wa dini.

Mjadidi/ mzinduzi huletwa baada ya miaka 100 kwa sababu baada ya kila karne (miaka 100) mazingira na namna ya ufikiriaji za binadamu huingia katika hatua ya mabidiliko makubwa. Mtume Swallallahu Alaihi Wasallam usiku mmoja alisimama na kuwauliza Masahaba: je nisiwafahamishe umuhimu wa usiku huu?  Kuanzia usiku huu hadi kufikia miaka 100, kila aliye hai (leo) ardhini basi hatakuwa hai tena (baada ya miaka 100).
Hivyo dhana kuu inayopatikana kwa mzinduzi ni kuwa ana sifa moja au zaidi ya kipekee inayoinufaisha umma wa Mtume Swallallahu Alaihi Wasallam katika masuala ya dini, mfano: taaluma ya dini, mawaidha, mahubiri, kuwafahamisha na kuwakataza watu juu ya maovu na kuwasaidia walio sahihi.
 Baadhi ya wazinduzi wa dini wa karne zilizopita ni Umar ibn Abdul Aziz, Imam Abu Hanifa Nooman bin Thabit, Imam Muhammad bin Idris Shafi, Imam Hasan Basri, Imam Malik bin Anas, Imam Ahmad bin Hambal, Imam Bayhaqi, Sheikh AbdulQadir Jilani, Imam Ghazali, Sheikh Ahmad Kabir Rifaee, Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani, Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti, Abdallah Al Haddad na Imam Ahmad Ridaa Rahimahullahu.

Maswali / maoni yanakaribishwa.
Muhammad KHATRI 

Dec 27, 2013

Whoever Wears A Garment Of Pride And Vanity

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar Radi Allahu Anhu said:

The Messenger of Allah salAllaho Alaihe wa Sallam said:

‘Whoever wears a garment of pride and vanity, Allah will clothe him, on the Day of Resurrection, in a garment of humiliation.’

[Hasan, Sunan Ibn Majah, Book 32, Hadith 3737]

If One Of You Is Angry

Hazrat Abu Dharr radi Allahu anhu reported:

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said to us,

“If one of you is angry when he is standing, let him sit down so that the anger will leave him; otherwise, let him lie down.”

~ Sunan Abu Dawud 4782

Dec 25, 2013

What Is A Pure Heart

Hazrat Abdullah ibn Amr radi Allahu anhu reported:
It was said to the Messenger of Allah, “Which of the people is best?”
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Everyone who is pure of heart and truthful in speech.”
They said, “Truthful in speech we know, but what is a pure heart?”
The Prophet said, “It is a heart that fears Allah and is clean. There is no sin in it and neither aggression, malice, or envy. ”

Recorded in - Sunan Ibn Majah 4216

Allah Does Not Look At Your Appearance

Hazrat Abu Huraira radi Allahu anhu reported:

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

“Verily, Allah does not look at your appearance or wealth, but rather He looks at your hearts and actions.”

Recorded in - Sahih Muslim 2564

Preserve Allah's Names

Hazrat Abu Huraira radi Allahu anhu reported:

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

“Allah has ninety-nine names, and whoever preserves them will enter Paradise.”

Recorded in - Sahih Muslim 2677

Abode For A Suicide Is Hell

Hazrat Abu Huraira radi Allahu anhu reported:

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

“Whoever kills himself with iron then his iron will be in his hand, thrusting it into his stomach in the fire of Hell abiding therein eternally. Whoever drinks poison and kills himself will drink it in the fire of Hell abiding therein eternally. Whoever threw himself off a mountain and killed himself will be thrown into the fire of Hell abiding therein eternally.”

~ Sahih Muslim 109

Anger Comes From Satan

Hazrat Atiyyah radi Allahu anhu reported:

The Messenger of Allah, peace be and blessings be upon him, said,

“Verily, anger comes from Satan and Satan was created from fire, and fire is extinguished with water, so if you become angry then perform ablution with water.”

Recorded in - Sunan Abu Dawud 4784

Dec 22, 2013

Is Saying "Jumu'ah Mubarak" A Bid'ah?

Allah – beginning with the name of – the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise is to Him who guided the believers to the truth. And may His blessings and salutations be upon our master Muhammad, the seal of the Prophets and the coolness of our eyes.

A message is being widely circulated these days that it is impermissible to greet Jumu'ah Mubarak and that it is a bid'ah (May Allah Forbid). First and foremost, one should understand that the salaf of this ummah have explained bid’ah (innovation) as being of two fundamental types:

In the Sahih of al-Imam al-Bukhari, it is mentioned that Sayyiduna Umar ibn al-Khattab (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu) stated concerning the 20 rak’ats of tarawih prayer, in congregation, behind one imam:

“What a good bid’ah it is!”

Al-Hafidh al-Imam al-Bayhaqi (Alayhir Rahmah) narrates through a sahih isnad (authentic chain of transmission) in Manaqib al-Imam al-Shafi'i, that Muhammad ibn Musa ibn al-Fadl narrated to us that Abu al-'Abbas al-Assam narrated to him that Rabi' ibn Sulayman narrated to him that al-Imam ash-Shafi'i informed him:

“The newly-invented matters from the affairs are of two kinds: One of them is whatever is innovated contravening the Book, or the Sunnah, or a narration, or a consensus, then this is an innovation of misguidance (al-bid'atu al-dalalatu). The second is whatever is innovated of the good which does not contravene any of these, then this is an innovation which is not blameworthy (Ghayru Mazmumatin).”

Regarding congratulating one another on the day of ‘Eid, al-Sayyid ibn ‘Aabideen al-Shami (Alayhir Rahma) relates from al-Muhaqqiq ibn ‘Aamir Haaj (Alayhir Rahmah) that he considered it: ‘Ja’iz’ (permissible) and ‘Mustahabb’ (commendable) in general. He also considered the wording popular in his time: ‘Eidun Mubarakun Alayka’ (a blessed Eid upon you) to take the same rule. He has mentioned:

“Supplication for barakah (blessing) in many affairs has reached us, thus the commendability of supplication for it here (on the day of ‘Eid) can be taken from that.” [Radd al-Muhtar, Vol. 2, Page 169]

The barakah of Jumu’ah and its being a day of eid is clear in the Prophetic Ahadith such as in the hadith of the Sahih of Ibn Hibban where it is mentioned that the Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said regarding the day of Jumu’ah:

“Verily it is a day of Eid.” [Sahih Ibn Hibban, Hadith 3610]

In a further hadith of the Sunan of Ibn Majah it is mentioned that the Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said:

“Verily the day of Jumu’ah is the master of days.” [Sunan ibn Majah, Hadith 1084]

The barakah of Jumu’ah is such that al-Hafidh Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (Alayhir Rahmah) has gathered 100 special qualities related to it with supporting evidences in his work al-Lumu’ah fi Khasa’is al-Jumu’ah.

If one greets his brother with salam and then supplicates for him on the day of Jumu’ah saying "Jumu’ah Mubarak", then there is nothing in that which goes against the principles of the shari’ah which would make it a reprehensible bid’ah. In fact it is established that from the blessings of Jumu’ah is a hidden time in which the du’a of a slave is answered as in the hadith of the Sahih of al-Imam Muslim:

“Verily there is a time in the day of Jumu’ah, that no Muslim coincides with it supplicating to Allah for good except that Allah bestows it upon him.” [Sahih Muslim, Hadith 852]

The opinion of those who are not upon the Aqidah of the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah is of no value in matters of Deen.

And Allah knows the best and His beloved Messenger knows the best.

— — —

Answered by
Mawlana Ibrar Shafi

Dec 20, 2013

Beware Not To Say Differently

Hazrat Amr ibn Yasaf radi Allahu anhu reported:

I heard Al-Awza’i say, “O Amr, if a narration reaches you from the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon, then beware not to say differently. Verily, the Messenger of Allah conveyed from Allah the Blessed and Exalted.”

Recorded in - Al-Madkhal ila Sunan Al-Kubra Al-Bayhaqi 173

Anger Corrupts The Matter

Hazrat Bahz ibn Hakeem radi Allahu anhu  reported:

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

“Verily, anger corrupts the matter just as vinegar spoils honey.”

Recorded in - Al-Mu’jam Al-Kabeer At-Tabarani 16385

Dec 18, 2013

The 3 Things Imam Jafar Sadiq رضي الله تعالیٰ عنه Did

Qadi Iyad {May Allah bestow His Mercy upon him} relates that Imam Malik {May Allah bestow His Mercy upon him} said:

"I used to keep company with Imam Jafar as-Sadiq {May Allah be well pleased with him} for a time and I only saw him doing three things:

1} praying,
2} fasting, or
3} reciting the Quran.

I never saw him relate {Hadith} from the Messenger of Allah {Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him} except in a state of purity, nor did he speak about that which did not concern him.

He was one of the men of knowledge, worship and Zuhud; one who truly feared Allah and I never came to him without him removing the cushion he was sitting on to give it to me to sit on “

{Tartib al-Madarik}

Complaint Of A Failing Memory

Imam as-Shafi' {May Allah have mercy upon him} said:

''I complained to {my teacher} Waki' ibn al-Jarrah {May Allah have mercy upon him} of a failing memory and he advised me to stay away from sins and told me that knowledge is a light and the Light of Allah is not given to a sinner.''

شَكَوْتُ إلَى وَكِيعٍ سُوءَ حِفْظِي فَأرْشَدَنِي إلَى تَرْكِ المعَاصي

وَ أخْبَرَنِي بأَنَّ العِلْمَ نُورٌ ونورُ الله لايؤتى لعاصي

{Diwan of Imam Shafi'}

Modesty Is Part Of Faith

Hazrat Abu Huraira radi Allaho anhu reported:

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

“Modesty is part of faith and faith is in Paradise. Shamelessness is part of impudence and impudence is in the Hellfire.”

Recoeded in -Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2009

Shall I Give It In Charity?

Hazrat Asm bint Abu Bakr radi Allahu anha reported:

I said, “O Messenger of Allah, I have nothing in my house except what was given to me by my husband Az-Zubair. Shall I give it in charity?”

The Prophet said, “Yes, do not withhold it, for Allah will hold it against you.”

Recorded in - Sunan At-Tirmidhi 1960

Sleep In A State Of Purity

Hazrat Ibn Umar radi Allahu anhu reported:

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

“Whoever goes to sleep in a state of purity will have an angel over hsis head and he will not awaken until the angel says: O Allah, forgive your servant for he has slept with ablution.”

Recorded in - Sahih Ibn Hibban 1064

Tree In Paradise Whose Shadow...

Hazrat Abu Huraira radi Allahu anhu reported:

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

“Verily, in Paradise there is a tree in whose shade a rider could travel for one hundred years.”

Recorded in - Sahih Muslim 2826

How Many Times Should I Pardon My Servant?

Hazrat Abdullah ibn Umar radi Allahu anhu reported:

A man came to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and he said,

“O Messenger of Allah, how many times should I pardon my servant?” The Messenger of Allah was silent and then the man said, “O Messenger of Allah, how many times should I pardon my servant?”

The Prophet said, “Seventy times in each day.”

Recorded in - Sunan At-Tirmidhi 1949


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