I was asleep when the keys of the treasures of this world were brought to me and were placed in my hands. #Hadith #Sahih #Bukhri #Muslim
I have been assisted by awe and I have been given keys of the Earth. [#Musannaf Abi Shayba, Vol. 6, Page 308, #Hadith 31638]
The keys of the Earth were brought to me on the back of the #Ablaq horse. #Jibrail brought it having very fine silk velvet on it. #Hadith
Know! Verily the Earth is owned by #Allah Almighty and His #Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam). #Hadith #Sahih #Bukhari #Muslim
#Allah and his #Prophet are the #protectors for those who have no protectors. [Jaami' #Tirmidhi, Vol. 4, Page 33, #Hadith 2110]
I am #Muhammad #Ahmad #Muqaffi #Hashir, the Prophet of repentance, and the Prophet of Mercy. [#Musannaf Abi Shayba, V6, P351 #Hadith 31683]
My #Intercession is #Haqq (Truth). The one who will not believe in it will not be worthy of it. [Kanz al-Ummal, V14, P399, #Hadith 39059]
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