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May 11, 2013

The First Caliph of RasulAllah ﷺ - PART 7 (The Most Courageous of Companions)

The Most Courageous of Companions

Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq accompanied the Beloved Messenger of Allah from the moment he embraced Islam until his death, not leaving him in a journey or residence except for that which he was authorised to go out on, such as Hajj or fighting expeditions. He took part in all the battles, emigrated with him, and was his close companion in the Cave so that Allah revealed: “The second of the two when two of them were in the cave, when he said to his companion: ‘Do not grieve. Truly Allah is with us.’” [Qur’an 9:40]
He strived to the aid of the Beloved Messenger more than once, and gave great service on the battlefield. He was firm on the Day of Uhud when all the people had fled.
In a long and intriguing narration, Sayyidina Ali ibn Abu Talib elaborates on the bravery of Sayyidina Abu Bakr above all the other Companions, including himself.
Sayyidina Ali ibn Abu Talib said, “Tell me, who is the bravest of men?” The people replied, “You.” He said, “As for me, I never encountered anyone but that I took my due from him, but tell me, who is the bravest of men?” They said, “We don’t know. Who is it?” He said, “Abu Bakr. On the day of Badr, we made a shelter from the sun for the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, then we said, ‘Who will be with the Messenger of Allah so that none of the idolaters may fall upon him?’ By Allah, none of us drew near except for Abu Bakr who brandished a sword over the head of the Messenger of Allah. No one fell upon him but that he in turn fell upon him. So he is the bravest of men.” He continued, “I saw the Messenger of Allah and the Quraysh grabbed him. One held him and another threw him down and theyw ere saying, ‘Are you the one who had made the gods into one god?’ By Allah, none of us approached except Abu Bakr striking this one, and restraining that one, and throwing down another, saying, ‘Woe to you! Will you kill a man because he says, ‘My Lord is Allah?’”
Then Sayyidina Ali raised a cloak which he was wearing, and wept until his beard was wet, and said, “I adjure you, by Allah!

Is the believer of the people of Fir’awn better or Abu Bakr?” People were silent. He said, “Will you not answer? By Allah, an hour of Abu Bakr is better than a thousand hours of the like of the believer of the people of Fir’awn. He was a man who concealed his iman, and this was a man who was open about his iman.”


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