Some sects prohibit any dua or Dhikr after congregational
prayers. The following Ahadith prove permissibility of these after prayers
Imam Bukhari narrated that Abu Huraira (radi Allahu anhu)
reported that the Prophet ﷺ
said, "If My servant mentions Me in himself, I will mention him in Myself.
If he mentions Me in a group, I will mention him in a group in My
presence." We understand from this hadith that to mention Allah in a group
indicates loud dhikr. Some scholars determined from this that using loud dhikr
is permitted.
Imam Bukhari narrated in his book of hadith, that Ibn 'Abbas
(radi Allahu anhu) said, "In the time of the Prophet ﷺ the people used to raise
their voices in Dhikr."
Imam Bukhari narrated in his book of hadith, that Abu Ma'bad
(radi Allahu anhu), the freed slave of Ibn 'Abbas (radi Allahu anhu), said:
"Ibn 'Abbas told me, 'In the lifetime of the Prophet ﷺ it was the custom to celebrate Allah's
praises aloud after the obligatory congregational prayers.'" Ibn 'Abbas
(radi Allahu anhu) continued, "When I heard the Dhikr, I would know that
the congregational prayer had ended."
Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi related that as-Sa'ib
(radi Allahu anhu) preported that the Prophet ﷺ
said, "Jibril came to me and ordered me to order my Companions to raise
their voices in takbir."
It is narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim and mentioned by
Jalaluddin as-Suyuti, from other collections, that 'Ali bin Abi Talib (radi
Allahu anhu) said, "I asked the Prophet ﷺ
one time, 'O Messenger of Allah, guide me to the shortest way to Allah's
Presence, and the easiest way to worship, and the best way for Allah, Almighty
and Exalted. The Prophet ﷺ
said, 'O 'Ali, you have to be continuously making Dhikrullah, silently and
aloud.' I replied, 'O Prophet ﷺ
all human beings are making dhikr. Give me something special.' The Prophet ﷺ said, 'O 'Ali, the best of
what I, and all prophets before me, said is “la ilaha illallah”. If all the
heavens and earth were placed on one side of the balance and la ilaha illallah
were placed in the other, la ilaha illallah would be heavier. Judgment Day will
never come as long as there are people on this earth saying la ilaha illallah.'
Then I said, 'How should I recite.' The Prophet ﷺ
said, 'Close your eyes and listen to me reciting la ilaha ill-Allah three
times. Then you say it three times and I will listen to you.' Then the Prophet ﷺ said it and I repeated it
in a loud voice."
In the narration of Imam Ahmad and Tabarani this hadith is
continued, describing how the Prophet taught his Companions the dhikr.
"'Ibada bin Samit said that the Prophet ﷺ said,
'Is there any stranger among you?' And we said, 'No, Ya Rasul-Allah.' He said,
'Close the door.' Then he said, 'Raise your hand and repeat after me La ilaha
illallah' We raised our hand and said, la ilaha illallah. Then the Prophet ﷺ said, 'Praise be to Allah
that He sent me to this world with this kalimah, and He ordered me with it, and
He promised me the Paradise with it, and He never changes His Promise.' Then
the Prophet ﷺ
said, 'Be happy! Allah has forgiven you.'"
Jalaladin as-Suyuti mentioned in an article called
"Natijat al-Fikr fi Jahri-dh-Dhikr," the Benefits of Loud Dhikr,
twenty-five authentic hadiths which mention doing loud dhikr.
ﷺلا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
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