Once Ibn Ziyaad received the orders, he appointed his brother as his deputy in Basra and left for Kufa. He came to Qaadsia, where he left his army and took a few people with him.
He dressed himself in the garb of the people of Hijaaz and covered his face. He entered kufa between Maghrib and Esha. The people of Kufa seeing a person dressed in a Hijaazi garb arriving, thought that he was Imam Hussain Radi Allahu Anhu and thus welcomed him into Kufa.
That morning, Ibn ziyaad relieved Nu'man bin Basheer (governor of kufa) off his duties and personally took control of the government building of kufa. He then delivered his speech to the people of kufa and warned them against joining with Imam Hussain Radi Allahu Anhu. He captured the leaders of kufa and held them hostage.
(Chain of Lights Vol 1, translated by Mawlana Afthab Cassim from "Tazkira Masha'ikh Qadria Razvia")
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