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Feb 16, 2013

Miracles of Gauth-e-Azam (Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alayh) - PART 10

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Allah in the Name of The Most Affectionate, The Merciful

الصلوۃ والسلام علیک یا سیدی یارسول اللہ

Once whilst Gauth E Azam Alayhi Rahma was delivering one of his lectures, a person by the name of Abul Mu’aali was present in this gathering. He was seated directly in front of the great Saint. During the course of the lecture, Abul Mu’aali found that he needed to answer the call of nature. He tried to suppress this need because he found it disrespectful to leave the gathering of Gauth E Azam Alayhi Rahma. He could no longer suppress it and decided to leave when Gauth E Azam Alayhi Rahma walked down the pulpit (Mimbar) onto the second step and threw his shawl over him. As this happened, Abul Mu’aali found that he was no longer in the gathering, but rather in a valley with beautiful lush vegetation. It was beautified even more by a stream, which flowed through it. He immediately answered the call of nature, performed wudhu and then prayed two rakaats Salaah. As he completed the Salaah, Gauth E Azam Alayhi Rahma took the shawl off him and he found, to his amazement, that he was still in the gathering of the great Saint and he had not even missed one word of the lecture. However, much later Abul Mu’aali discovered that he did not have his set of keys with him. He then remembered that when he was transported to the valley by Gauth E Azam Alayhi Rahma he had hung his key ring on the branch of a tree beside the stream. Abul Mu’aali states that sometime after this incident, he had the opportunity to go on a business expedition. During this journey, he reached a valley and rested there. He then noticed that the valley was the same place where he had been transported during the lecture. When he went beside the tree, he found that his missing keys were still hanging on the branch of the tree. The business trip took fourteen days to complete. This miracle shows that not only did he transport Abul Mu’aali spiritually, but also physically.


As it is said,
"Dua is a True Muslim's Weapon",
Remember me in your Duas...


جزاك اللهُ خيراً

May Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala forgive me If I've made a mistake.


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