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Feb 16, 2013

Miracles of Gauth-e-Azam (Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alayh) - PART 11

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Allah in the Name of The Most Affectionate, The Merciful

الصلوۃ والسلام علیک یا سیدی یارسول اللہ

The students of Gauth e Azam Alayhi Rahma state that once he was delivering his lessons as usual to them when suddenly his blessed face turned red and beads of perspiration covered his blessed forehead. He then placed his hand into his cloak and remained silent for a short time. After he removed his hand from inside his cloak, drops of water began to drip from his sleeves. Due to his spiritual state, the students did not ask him any questions but rather, they recorded the date, day and time of this astonishing event. Two months after this incident, a group of traders, who had come by sea to Baghdad, arrived and presented various gifts to Gauth e Azam Alayhi Rahma. The students were very confused by this as they had never seen these traders in Baghdad before. When they asked the traders the reason for them bringing the gifts, they said that two months earlier, whilst they were sailing to Baghdad, their ship was caught in a fierce storm. When they realized that there was a real danger of sinking, they called out to Gauth e Azam Alayhi Rahma. When they called out to him, they found that from the Unseen a hand lifted their ship to safety. When the students compared this narration to the incident during their lessons, it was confirmed that it was the same date, day and time in which the great Saint (Rahmatullahi Ta'ala Alayh) had put his hand into his cloak. Although Gauth e Azam Alayhi Rahma seemed to be placing his hand into his cloak, but in reality, he was stretching his hand into the sea to assist those who called for his assistance.


As it is said,
"Dua is a True Muslim's Weapon",
Remember me in your Duas...


جزاك اللهُ خيراً

May Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala forgive me If I've made a mistake.


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