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Feb 12, 2013

Mushrik and Mu’min will debate on the Tauheed of Allah

Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radi Allahu Anhu.) relates the following narration of Rasulullah (SwallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam): 

‘That time will also come upon my Ummah, when though there will be an abundance of Qurrah, there will be a shortage of Fuqaha (Jurists). 

There will be a scarcity of (Islamic) knowledge and an increase in evil and anarchy.

Then there will also come a time upon the Ummah when people will recite the Qur'aan, but it will not go further than their throats,

Then that time will also come when a Mushrik and Mu’min will debate on the Tauheed of Allah.


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