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Oct 30, 2013

Collection of Ahadith on Anger

Whoever protects his tongue, Allah will conceal him (his sins); for the one who controls his anger, Allah will stop punishment from [seizing] him on the Day of Judgment; and the one who makes a plea, Allah will accept his plea. [Shu'ab al-Iman, Vol. 6, Page 315, Hadith 8311]

A person said "(Please) give me some advice" Rasoolullah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said "Do not be angry". He continued to ask the same thing and the reply was the same "Do not be angry." [Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Page 131, Hadith 6116]

Strong is not that person who is a wrestler (athletic person), who throws down people, but strong is he, who restrains himself when angry. [Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Page 130, Hadith 6114]

No person has drunk a better mouthful, than the person who has swallowed his anger for the Allah's sake. [Musnad Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Vol. 2, Page 482, Hadith 6122]

Anger damages Iman, just as (the bitterness of) aloe ruins honey. [Shu'ab al-Iman, Vol. 6, Page 311, Hadith 8294]

Hadrat Moosa (Ala Nabiyyina wa Alayhis Salat wa as-Salam) asked "O Allah! Who is that servant that is dearer to you?" Almighty Allah said "He, who forgives even though he has the power (i.e. he forgives, even though he has the power to retaliate)". [Shu'ab al-Iman, Vol. 6, Page 319, Hadith 8327]

Anger is from shaytaan and shaytaan is created from fire; and fire is extinguished only by water, so when one becomes angry, he should perform wudu (ablution). [Sunan Abi Dawud, Vol. 2, Page 315, Hadith 4784]

If a person becomes angry and he is standing, he should sit down, and if his anger fades away, then all is well, otherwise he should lie down. [Musnad Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Vol. 8, Page 80-81, Hadith 21406]

If a person holds back his anger, Allah will prevent torment (from being inflicted on) him on the Day of Judgement. [Shu'ab al-Iman, Vol. 6, Page 315, Hadith 8311]

There is a door in Hell; only those will enter through it whose anger subsides only after committing an act of sin. [Al-Firdaus bima Saur al-Khattab, Vol. 1, Page 205, Hadith 784]


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