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Dec 3, 2012

Knowledge of Ala Hazrat (Objection & Answer)

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

الصلوۃ والسلام علیک یا سیدی یارسول اللہ


In a Wahabi Website, an allegation is raised about Ala Hazrat (Allah’s mercy be upon him) that he knew those matters, in the age of 3, which normal people know when they get 14 to 15 years old, and he knew some very abusive words.
Furthermore, there is an incident that occurred during the childhood of Ala Hazrat, Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Allah’s mercy be upon him) which is mentioned in the following answer...


Saiyad Aiyoob Ali Razawi said that the age of Huzoor Aala Hazrat (Allah’s mercy be upon him) might be 5 to 6 years, at that time he used to come out wearing a long shirt only (kurta).

Once, some prostitutes passed, he immediately pulled up the lower-front part of the shirt to cover his face.

By seeing this, one prostitute said:
“Wow Sahib! You covered the face and revealed the groin”

Then he replied “when the vision is depraved, the heart gets depraved; and when the heart is depraved, the groin gets depraved.”

 She began feeling faintness after hearing this answer.

(Hayaat-e-Ala Hazrat, volume 1, page 23, Matbooa Karachi)

This answer of Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Allah’s mercy be upon him) is a supernatural power, otherwise it is impossible to give such an academic answer at such a young age. 
The prostitutes were the first to put this allegation on Imam Ahmad Raza’s condition, and Imam Ahmad Raza gave them an academic answer as a supernatural power.

Now then, The one who opposes the answer of Imam Ahmad Raza Khan 
(Allah’s mercy be upon him) is representing those prostitutes and the one who favors his answer is representing Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Allah’s mercy be upon him)

This is a matter of each one’s Fate.


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