Money and greed have overtaken relationships. Blood brothers and sisters are seen fighting over money due to inheritance or business matters. The siblings that came out from the same womb have now become each other's enemies. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us that maintaining family ties shall increase the blessings in our wealth and not decrease it?
As the children grow up and become involved in their own lives, their parents start to become a burden for them. Old age home becomes one of the options for their elderly parents. Too busy in their pursue for career, wealth and making a family, the sons and some daughters too forget that their parents are still alive. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us that Jannah lies under the feet of mothers and fathers are one of the doors to jannah?
Women nowadays like having a get togather and gossip about those people that are not present. Mocking and backbiting others in their absence has become a hobby for social gatherings. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us that backbiting is worse than adultery? A sin that cannot be forgiven until we seek forgiveness from those whom we have backbited about?
Running big businesses that earn high profits is a common trend. Richness and fame has become an identity for these successfull businessmen. Yet these men become miserly when it comes to bear the expense of the sick widow living down the road. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us about spending for the sake of Allāh Ta'ala and that charity always increases the wealth and not decrease it.
Wishing the downfall of the fellow Muslims due to envy and jealousy is an epidemic that is on the rise between families, friends and neighbours. Just because his brothers son got a better pay then his own son or her neighbour's daughter got married before her own daughter causes such individuals to break family ties, gossip or wish evil for those prospering. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us that envy and jealousy eat away good deeds just as fire eats away wood?
Trying to please all the guests at a family wedding, women tend to dress up in the most elegant manner and pay huge amounts of money for the best hair and makeup. Trying to keep up with the latest trends of outfits and being the centre of attraction is their aim. They actually succeed in their attempt by getting many compliments from guests and relatives but in addition to that they even recieve many looks from non Mahram men. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us about the modesty of a woman and the importance of practicing Hijab?
Parents have become busy with their own lives in the pursue of career and wealth. They have given their children all the latest gadgets in the name of love. Yet they do not have the patience and time to teach the importance of Deen to their children. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us that the mother is the first teacher of her children and that the best gift that a father can give to his chidren is good manners?
Dating and chatting with the opposite gender is a common trend nowadays. "We are already engaged so what's the harm in going for a coffee", is a common statement used by the engaged couple. And to top it all, such behavior is supported by the adults too. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us that between a non Mahram man and a woman, the third is shaitaan? And that the Nikah is the only bond that allows free mingling of the engaged couple?
Youngsters nowadays want to have fun and enjoy life. Discos, clubbing, gambling, fornication and drinking has become a "normal" thing within the youth, hence resulting into loss of respect and dignity, suicide, depression and rape. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us about the evils of music, fornication, gambling and alcohol?
Supermarkets, restaurants and retail shops are a booming economy for many Muslims. Interacting with customers on a day-to-day basis and earning high profits becomes their aim. In the process they do not care of the quality of the product neither do they worry about the expiry date. Lying and deciet are normal deeds as long as they sell the products and produce profits even at the risk of the lives of other people. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us about honesty in business transactions?
In the era that we live in, we as Muslims are always being targeted and given bad names. Cleanliness, modesty, truthfulness, generosity, kindness, tolerance, charitable, merciful and hospitable were traits that were our identity. Islam has covered all the aspects of our day to day living taking into account of our betterment only. So where did we go wrong. Why have we left our identity behind in the pursue to imitate those that are a threat to our Deen? We need to go back to the basics - Salaah, Qur’an and Sunnah. Through these only we shall prosper and uphold our identity again. In sha Allah