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Dec 12, 2017

What Is Wrong With Us Oh Muslims?

Buying takeouts and disposing the litter on the streets, spitting in the public areas and throwing banana peels on the pathways are actions that are taking its toll. Muslim areas unfortunately, tend to be more unhygienic and dirty, thus making it seem that we are the most uncivilized people. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us that cleanliness is half of Imaan? In addition to our bodies and clothes, we need to keep our houses and the environment clean?

Money and greed have overtaken relationships. Blood brothers and sisters are seen fighting over money due to inheritance or business matters. The siblings that came out from the same womb have now become each other's enemies. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us that maintaining family ties shall increase the blessings in our wealth and not decrease it?

As the children grow up and become involved in their own lives, their parents start to become a burden for them. Old age home becomes one of the options for their elderly parents. Too busy in their pursue for career, wealth and making a family, the sons and some daughters too forget that their parents are still alive. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us that Jannah lies under the feet of mothers and fathers are one of the doors to jannah?

Women nowadays like having a get togather and gossip about those people that are not present. Mocking and backbiting others in their absence has become a hobby for social gatherings. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us that backbiting is worse than adultery? A sin that cannot be forgiven until we seek forgiveness from those whom we have backbited about?

Running big businesses that earn high profits is a common trend. Richness and fame has become an identity for these successfull businessmen. Yet these men become miserly when it comes to bear the expense of the sick widow living down the road. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us about spending for the sake of Allāh Ta'ala and that charity always increases the wealth and not decrease it.

Wishing the downfall of the fellow Muslims due to envy and jealousy is an epidemic that is on the rise between families, friends and neighbours. Just because his brothers son got a better pay then his own son or her neighbour's daughter got married before her own daughter causes such individuals to break family ties, gossip or wish evil for those prospering. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us that envy and jealousy eat away good deeds just as fire eats away wood?

Trying to please all the guests at a family wedding, women tend to dress up in the most elegant manner and pay huge amounts of money for the best hair and makeup. Trying to keep up with the latest trends of outfits and being the centre of attraction is their aim. They actually succeed in their attempt by getting many compliments from guests and relatives but in addition to that they even recieve many looks from non Mahram men. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us about the modesty of a woman and the importance of practicing Hijab?

Parents have become busy with their own lives in the pursue of career and wealth. They have given their children all the latest gadgets in the name of love. Yet they do not have the patience and time to teach the importance of Deen to their children. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us that the mother is the first teacher of her children and that the best gift that a father can give to his chidren is good manners?

Dating and chatting with the opposite gender is a common trend nowadays. "We are already engaged so what's the harm in going for a coffee", is a common statement used by the engaged couple. And to top it all, such behavior is supported by the adults too. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us that between a non Mahram man and a woman, the third is shaitaan? And that the Nikah is the only bond that allows free mingling of the engaged couple?

Youngsters nowadays want to have fun and enjoy life. Discos, clubbing, gambling, fornication and drinking has become a "normal" thing within the youth, hence resulting into loss of respect and dignity, suicide, depression and rape. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us about the evils of music, fornication, gambling and alcohol?

Supermarkets, restaurants and retail shops are a booming economy for many Muslims. Interacting with customers on a day-to-day basis and earning high profits becomes their aim. In the process they do not care of the quality of the product neither do they worry about the expiry date. Lying and deciet are normal deeds as long as they sell the products and produce profits even at the risk of the lives of other people. What is wrong with us oh Muslims? Did the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wasallam not teach us about honesty in business transactions?

In the era that we live in, we as Muslims are always being targeted and given bad names. Cleanliness, modesty, truthfulness, generosity, kindness, tolerance, charitable, merciful and hospitable were traits that were our identity. Islam has covered all the aspects of our day to day living taking into account of our betterment only. So where did we go wrong. Why have we left our identity behind in the pursue to imitate those that are a threat to our Deen? We need to go back to the basics - Salaah, Qur’an and Sunnah. Through these only we shall prosper and uphold our identity again. In sha Allah

Dec 5, 2017

Mar Ke Jeene Ka Paau Mazaa Khair Se + English Translation

Mar ke jeene ka paauñ mazaa khair se,
Raah e Taibah me aaye qazaa khair se.

May I safely enjoy my life after my death!
On the path of Medina, may safely come my death!

Keejiye mere haq meiñ du'a khair se,
Khaak e Taibah meiñ ho meri jaa khair se.

Supplicate well in my favour, for my safety!
May my abode be in the sands of Medina, with safety!

Mujh ko Unn ka ishaaraah milaa khair se,
Meiñ Madine ki jaanib chalaa khair se.

My good fortune, I received the master’s permission!
I set off towards Medina, in his care and protection!

Khoob guzrenge subh o masaa khair se,
Unn ke Dar pe jo bistar jamaa khair se.

The mornings and evenings will pass well, in prosperity!
For I have camped at his doorstep, with safety!

'Aam hai unn ka jood o sakhaa khair se,
Unn ke Dar pe haiñ shaah o gadaa khair se.

Our good fortune, widespread is his benevolence and generosity!
Prospering at his door are kings and beggars, seeking charity!

Woh utthi mawj e behr e 'ataa khair se,
Yaa woh dast e karam utth gaya khair se.

The wave of benevolence surges from the sea, with good fortune!
Or shall I say, his benevolent hands are extended, in generosity!

Shaam se hum to Taibah meiñ neend aagayi,
Zindagi ka sawera huwa khair se.

I dozed off in the sunset of my life in Medina!
My life began with a new dawn, with safety!

Khaak e Taibah ko paa kar hoon meiñ shaadmaañ,
Mera "Akhtar" darakhshaañ huwa khair se.

How ecstatic is “Akhtar” to get the dust of Medina!
My star now shines bright, in prosperity!

Billions of blessings and salutations of peace be upon the Holy Prophet; and upon his noble wives, his noble progeny, his noble companions and all those who rightly follow him until the Last Day.

Penned by: Mufti Akhtar Rida Khan Qadiri
English Translation by: Aqib alQadri

Nov 22, 2017

Ibaadah and Responsibilities of a Woman

A woman has to carry out many roles in her daily lives...she has to look after the house, cook food for her family, nurture her children, be an obedient and loving wife... She plays the role of a chef, a caretaker, a nurse, a teacher, a driver and a counselor too.

Due to these responsibilities, she at times feels disconnected from her Lord. She may feel disheartened that she does not seem to find the time to do the extra Nafl Ibaadah. She at times feels frustrated and accuses herself of not being a good Muslim. At times she wishes to forsake her responsibilities.

To all such women out there... Don't think in that way. Know, that the responsibilities that you carry out on your daily basis is itself an Ibaadah. Your cleaning and maintaining the house, doing the washing, ironing and cooking, loving and looking after your husband and nurturing your children are all acts of Ibaadah (worship). Even though you may not be able to carry out the extra Ibaadah due to lack of time or tiredness, you may however still engage yourselves in the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala whilst carrying out your daily chores.

Switch on the mp3 player and listen to the Qiraat or naats whilst doing your cooking, cleaning and washing. Keep your tongue moist with the Dhikr of Allah Ta’ala, Istighfaar and Durood Shareef. If you know any portion of the Qur’an by memory, then keep reciting it. And guess what, you will get double for carrying out your responsibilities and the second for keeping yourselves engaged in the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala.

Share this message with other sisters and brighten their days too. Knowledge is light!

Nov 19, 2017

[BOOK] Hadaaiq e Bakhsish - Complete Transliteration

Download links:

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The great scholars have always encouraged the reciting of Kalaams of the Buzurgaane-e-Deen, like those of Sayyidi Aala Hazrat Radi Allahu Anhu and Sarkaar-e-Mufti-e-Azam Hind Radi Allahu Anhu etc. However, these were not easily available for the non-Urdu readers, thus making it difficult for the non-Urdu readers, who depend on transliterations.

We present a transliteration of kalaam al Imam by the Imam al kalaam, the complete transliteration of Hadaaiq Bakhshish. In'sha'Allah this will make it very simple for those who now wish to read these blessed Kalaams. Allah Almighty accept this and reward all those who took part in its completion.

Taalib e Dua
Faqeer Mohammed Shakeel Qaadiri Ridawi

Nov 15, 2017

[BOOK] - Miracles of the Most Beloved SallAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam

Download links:

Google Drive, Dropbox, Scribd, Archive, 4 Shared, Mediafire.

Yahi kehti hay bulbul e baagh e jinaan 
Ke RAZA ki tarah koi sahar bayaan 
Nahin Hind main waasif e Shaah e Hudaa 
Mujhe showkhi e tab'ey RAZA ki qasam

Dear Brothers and sisters is there anyone who praises The Most Beloved Sall Allahu Alaihi wasallam like Imam Ahmad Raza Radi Allahu Anhu does ? 

Imam Ahmad Raza Radi Allahu Anhu is that blessed personality who wishes his mouth opens only for the Praise of The Most Beloved Sall Allahu Alaihi wasallam even on the day of Judgement..

Sabaaa woh chale ke Baagh phale
Wo Phool khile ke din hon bhale
Liwaa ke tale thana main khule
Raza ki zuban tumhare liye

On the occasion of Urs e Alahadrat Azeemulbarakat Radi Allahu Anhu I present the Praise of The Most Beloved Sall Allahu Alaihi wasallam in the form of His Blessed Miracles with the kalaam of Alahadrat Azeemulbarakat Radi Allahu Anhu.

The Praise of Beloved Mustafa صلى الله عليه وسلم
In the words of Beloved Raza رضي الله عنه.

Please make Dua for all those who took part in editing and spell checking and suggestions.

Taalib e Dua 
Khaakpaaye Imam Ahmad Raza Radi Allahu Anhu
Faqeer Mohammed Shakeel Qaadiri Ridawi ghufira lahu

Nov 13, 2017

Lutf Unka Aam Ho Hi Jayega + English Translation

Lutf Unka Aam Ho Hi Jayega
Shaad Har Nakaam Ho Hi Jayega
His benevolence will become widespread indeed!
Every failure will become delighted indeed!

Jaan De Do Wa’ada e Deedar Par
Naqd Apna Daam Ho Hi Jayega
Sacrifice your life on the promise of the blessed vision,
You will be compensated immediately indeed.

Shaad Hai Firdous Yani Ek Din
Qismat e Khuddam Ho Hi Jayega
Paradise is rejoicing that finally one day,
It will become the destiny of his servants indeed.

Yaad Reh Jayengi Yeh Be-BaakiyaN
Nafs Tu To Raam Ho Hi Jayega
These trespasses shall become just memories,
O naughty soul! You will be vanquished indeed.

Be Nishano Ka NishaaN Mit-ta NahiN
Mit-te Mit-te Naam Ho Hi Jayega
Signs of the people unknown do not fade away!
Efface yourself, one day you will be famous indeed!

Yaad e Gesoo Zikr e Haq Hai Aah Kar
Dil Me Paida Laam Ho Hi Jayega
Remembering his tresses is the remembrance of Allah, say “A–ah”!
Two “L”s will also rise up in the heart indeed!

Sailo Daaman Sakhee Ka Thaam Lo
Kuch Na Kuch In’aam Ho Hi Jayega
O the needy! Grasp the cloak of the generous one!
Something will be bestowed upon you indeed!

Yaad e Aabru Karke Tadpe Bulbulo
Tukde Tukde Daam Ho Hi Jayega
Recall his eyebrows and struggle, O nightingales!
The hunter’s net will break into pieces indeed!

Mufliso Un Ki Gali Me Jaa Pado
Baagh e Khuld Ikraam Ho Hi Jayega
O the destitute, go and remain in his street!
You will be awarded everlasting gardens indeed!

Ay Raza Har Kaam Ka Ik Waqt Hai
Dil Ko Bhi Aaram Ho Hi Jayega
Raza! All matters have a time destined!
The heart will also find solace indeed!
Billions of blessings and salutations of peace be upon the Holy Prophet; and upon his noble wives, his noble progeny, his noble companions and all those who rightly follow him until the Last Day

By Imam Ahmed Raza Khan al-Qadri (may Allah shower mercy upon him)

English Translation by Aqib Farid al-Qadri

Nov 11, 2017

Aandhiyon Mein Bhi Jalaa Hai Maslak e Ahmad Raza [Lyrics]

Aandhiyoñ meiñ bhi jalaa hai Maslak e Ahmad Raza.
Woh charaagh e Mustafaa hai Maslak e Ahmad Raza.
Maslak e Ahmad Raza ho zindaabaad ho zindaabaad.

Sham'e Deen e Mustafaa hai Maslak e Ahmad Raza,
Ya'ni Ahmad ki Raza hai Maslak e Ahmad Raza.
Maslak e Ahmad Raza ho zindaabaad ho zindaabaad.

Kis meiñ hai mehboobiyat aur kis meiñ mardoodiyat,
Door se pehchaanta hai Maslak e Ahmad Raza.
Maslak e Ahmad Raza ho zindaabaad ho zindaabaad.

Aashiqaan e Mustafaa ki ungliyaañ pakre huwe,
Soowe Jannat le chala hai Maslak e Ahmad Raza.
Maslak e Ahmad Raza ho zindaabaad ho zindaabaad.

Maslak e Ahmad Raza koi nayaa maslak nahiñ,
Khuld waala raasta hai Maslak e Ahmad Raza.
Maslak e Ahmad Raza ho zindaabaad ho zindaabaad.

Maslak e Ahmad Raza par harf aa sakta nahiñ,
Bu Haneefa ki ataa hai Maslak e Ahmad Raza.
Maslak e Ahmad Raza ho zindaabaad ho zindaabaad.

Hazrat e Noori Miyañ ka qawl e faisal dekhiye,
Mere gharka ka ek diya hai Maslak e Ahmad Raza.
Maslak e Ahmad Raza ho zindaabaad ho zindaabaad.

Aap Barkaati gharaane meiñ to chal kar dekhiye,
Bachcha Bachcha bolta hai Maslak e Ahmad Raza.
Maslak e Ahmad Raza ho zindaabaad ho zindaabaad.

Woh Dar e Ghawth ul Waraa se Khwaaja e Ajmer se,
Laa ke sab ko jhorta hai Maslak e Ahmad Raza.
Maslak e Ahmad Raza ho zindaabaad ho zindaabaad.

Kya mitaayega koi Ahmad Raza ke naam ko,
Ghawth o Khwaja ki raza hai Maslak e Ahmad Raza.
Maslak e Ahmad Raza ho zindaabaad ho zindaabaad.

Najdiyoñ 'ishq e shehenshaah e Madinah ke siwa,
Tum se kya kuch maangta hai Maslak e Ahmad Raza.
Maslak e Ahmad Raza ho zindaabaad ho zindaabaad.

Nagma e 'ishq e Risaalat ke waseele se ASAD,
Rooh ko tarpaa raha hai Maslak e Ahmad Raza.
Maslak e Ahmad Raza ho zindaabaad ho zindaabaad.

Nov 3, 2017

Zikr e Shahaadat [English Translation]

Oct 19, 2017

Aankheiñ Haiñ Jalwa Khana e Mehboob e Elahi

Aankheiñ haiñ Jalwa Khana -e- Mehboob -e- Elahi
Dil Kyuñ na ho Diwana -e- Mehboob -e- Elahi !

Wa’aiz teri Jannat Ki Qasam dekh to Jakar
Firdaus hai Maikhana -e- Mehboob -e- Elahi !

Roshan hai Mujhpe Mere Jine Ki Haqeeqat
Har Saa’ns hai Afsana -e-Mehboob -e- Elahi !

Haqqa Ke hai Ek A’aina -e- Anwaar -e- Do Aalam
Ek Jalwa -e- Mastana -e- Mehboob -e- Elahi !

Vo Ehed -e- Khizañ Ho Ke Bahara Ho Ba Har Rang
Waa hai Dar -e- Maikhana -e- Mehboob -e- Elahi !

Gulshan Ko Agar Deeda -e- Zahir Se Na Dekho
Har Phool Hai Paimana -e- Mehboob-e- Elahi !

Dolat hai Nigaho Me Magar Paa Nahi Sakta
Bad’Bakht hai Baigana -e- Mehboob -e- Elahi !

Jab Fart -e- Aqeedat Se ‘Shakeel’ Aankh utthaayi
Tha Saamne Ka’ashana -e- Mehboob -e- Elahi !

Az Kalam: Shakeel Badayuni Sahab

Qalam Se Ab Nikalta Hai Bayan-e-Shan-e-Marehra


Qalam se ab nikalta hai Bayan-e-Shan-e-Marehra.
Hamesha qadriyoñ par Rahe Faizan-e-Marehra.

Shariat ka Tariqat ka Haseeñ sañgam hai ye Dharti.
Isi Dharti pe dunya Sunniyat ki Sari hae marti.

Shah-e-Abdul Jaleel-e-Bilgerami ne yahañ Aakar.
Urooj-e-Khas Bakhssha Arz-e-Marehra ko wo yak sar.

Ke Sare jag me shohra hogaya is paak dharti ka.
Bana Marehra Markaz bil Yaqiñ sab Ahlesunnat ka .

Hae Mujh par Sahabul Barkaat ki barkat bahot Zyada.
Jo mae bhin Ban gaya Midhat nigar-e-Arz-e-Marehara.

Shah-e-Aa’l-e-Muhammed Aa’bid-e-Zeeshan-e-Marehra.
Huzur Aa’l-e-Rasool-e-Ahmedi Sultan-e-Marehra.

Jamal-e-Hazrat-e-Noori , Mizal-e-Hazrat-e-Noori.
Bayañ mae kar nahi sakta kamal-e-Hazrat-e-Noori.

Hae Faiz-e-Jari-e-Qasim jahañ me har jagah logo.
Aqeedat ki nigahoñ se zara tum Dosto dekho.

Na Bhuleñ ge kabhi Sayyed miyañ ki Shafqateñ Sunni.
Na Bhuleñ ge kabhi Hayder Hasan ki Barkateñ Sunni.

Ameen-e-Basafa , Nazmi ki Danai k kya kahene.
MiyaN Ashraf . Najeeb , Afzal ki ra’anai ke kya kahene.

Mushahid Ho Fida Azm-e-Aman-e-Deen wo Millat ke.
Ke un k dam se Gulshan Shahe barkat ka sada foole

Penned By: Dr. Muhammad Husain Mushahid Razvi

Oct 1, 2017

The Story of Imam Ja'ffar Al Tayyaar Radi Allahu Anhu

Huzoor Maulana Rumi Radi Allahu Anhu states in the mathnawi shareef regarding nisbat

"It is a well known that the fox is not renowned for its bravery." However, the fox that has a lion as support behind its back saying to him: "Fear not, my hand is upon your back", in spite of lacking courage, becomes very brave indeed.

His new found bravery is of such a nature that he will not hesitate to attack a leopard. He now has the support of a lion at his side, he will show no fear for a leopard.

Similarly, is the case of the chosen servants of Allah Ta'ala. In spite of their apparent physical weakness , they show no fear in the face of a multitude of evil forces and do not shy away from speaking the truth come what may.
It is said by the Sufiyaa e kiraam : "O people! Look not upon my physical weakness. Do you know that within my heart I am connected to the King of kings."

Maulana Rumi Radi Allahu Anhu tells the story of Hazrat Sayyiduna Jaa'far Radi Allahu Anhu.
Once Hazrat Sayyiduna Jaa'far Radi Allahu Anhu attacked a fortress all by himself. His attack was so fierce that it seemed that the fortress would soon become a prey to the hoofs of his horse. The inmates of the fortress were so struck by awe that they closed the gates of the fortress and no one dared to come out to engage in battle with him.

The king discussed with his Wazir as to what to do. The Wazir advised him : "The best line of action is to cancel all plans of making war against this man. It is best to take your kafan and your sword, go to him and lay down your weapons".

The king replied: "But this man is all alone. How is it that you give me such advice?"
The Wazir informed him: "Do not underestimate his being one man only. Open your eyes and look at the fortress and see how it trembles. Look at the inmates of the fortress, and see how their heads are bowed downwards. Even though the man is alone, the heart that he has is not like the hearts of ordinary men.
Look at his courage, he challenges them into battle with a naked sword in his hand and in a confident and victorious manner, calls them to fight. It seems that all the battle forces of the East and West are with him.

One man alone, but he appears like hundreds of thousands. Do you not see that whichever soldiers are sent out to fight him are soon seen lying under the hoofs of his horse?

After seeing the courage and bravery of this man, O king, I have realised that the multitude of soldiers, which are with you, will not be able to do anything against him.

Do not rely upon numbers. The main thing is the unity of the heart and this is actually what is so striking about the heart of this man.

In this respect, he has been endowed endlessly with it. This is a gift from Allah Ta'ala, which is attained through the acquisition of contact with Him.

This connection you will not be able to attain while you are in this state of Kufr.

Hence, it is best for you to throw down your weapons in defeat before this courageous believer, and to open the gates of the fortress, because your numerous soldiers are of no use."

Then Maulana Rumi Radi Allahu Anhu gives examples in which the majority becomes useless in front of minority:

Millions of stars shine and produce light, but at the rising of the sun, their light becomes nonexistent.

If a thousand mice were to attack a weak cat, it would appear that they would be victorious in their endeavour. A few of them can grab him by the neck. One or two of them can then take his eyes out. One or two of them can tear off his ears with their teeth. One or two of them can make an opening at his side, enter and begin chewing the internal organs. It would appear to be a reasonable plan. However, experience proves otherwise.

As soon as the weak cat utters one "meow" the whole multitude of mice become scared and one by one, they flee to safety.
The moment they hear the "meow" they become convinced of being vanquished and begin visualising the actions of the cat's teeth and paws makes them flee.

The main reason for this is the difference between the hearts of the mice and the heart of the cat. The unity of the heart in the cat and the courage lying in it, is not found in the mice. Otherwise, it would appear that if a large number of mice should attack the cat, it will be impossible for the cat to escape. Hence, we conclude that even if the number of mice were a hundred thousand, still, seeing a weak cat will cause all of them to run away. This proves that numbers mean nothing. The main thing is unity of the heart and courage.

Sheep and goats may be numerous in number but in the face of the knife of the butcher, that number is of no consequence.

The lion in the forest courageously attacks a multitude of animals with horns and he alone gets the upper hand over them. Furthermore, whichever animal he chooses from among them, he eats.

Allah Ta'ala, is the One who grants this unity of heart and such courage and comes about through the blessings of close contact with those close to Allah Ta'ala. This is what the Sufis term as "Nisbat", for which one has to strive. It is a great favor from Allah Ta'ala to have contact with the Aulia e kiraam. And there is only one way of attaining this contact and that is by following the Buzurgaane Deen who are the rope of Allah Almighty.
They are our means to The Most Beloved Sall Allahu Alaihi Wasallam and The Most Beloved Sall Allahu Alaihi Wasallam is our means to Allah Almighty.

Kya Dabe Jis Pe Himayat Ka Ho Panja Tera
                                                Sher Ko Khatre Mein Lata Nahi Kutta Tera

An army of sheep led by a lion can defeat easily an army of lions led by a sheep.

Alahadrat Azeemulbarakat Radi Allahu Anhu is our lion
We are sheep
The lion leads, our job is to follow.

Maslake Alahadrat Azeemulbarakat Radi Allahu Anhu zindahbad.

Translated by khaakpaaye Imam Ahmad Raza Radi Allahu Anhu
Faqeer Mohammed Shakeel Qadiri Ridawi

Sitting With The Pious Scholars

There was a time when people would spend most of their days and nights sitting with the ulemaa e kiraam and mashaaikh e kiraam.

Then slowly by slowly people became busy and would visit the ulema on a daily basis, weekly basis, monthly basis.

We then became so busy in our worldly affairs that this visit became an annual visit.

Times changed again and social media whattsapp etc took over our lives.

We are in a state now where even if an Alim e Deen messages us we do not have the time to read or reply.

Our problems are increasing yet our connection with Ilm and our relationship with the Ulema is decreasing if not non existent .

The benefit of keeping sohbat and connection with the Ulema is immense.

*Seven benefits for one who sits in the company of Ulama*

Faqih Imam Abul-Laith Samarqandi RadiAllahu ánhu states that there are seven benefits for one who sits in the company of Ulama even though one does not understand the lectures:

1. As long as one remains in the company of the Ulama, one will be free from sins and disobedience

2. One will be classed as a student of Deen

3. One will receive the blessings of seeking knowledge for the period one sits in their company

4. One will enjoy the Mercy of Allah Almighty that will shower the gathering

5. As long as one hears knowledgeable things, one will get blessings for it

6. There are times when one hears intricate discussions of the Ulama and does not understand them. If one becomes sad due to one’s ignorance, then this sincere sadness is also a virtue

7. One will develop the distinction between the virtue of the Ulama and their knowledge and the evil of ignorance and its destruction

May Allah Almighty grant us the Towfeeq to keep connection with our Ulema e kiraam
Ameen Thumma Aameen.

Taalibe Dua Faqeer Mohammed Shakeel Qadiri Ridawi

Sep 27, 2017

Mustafa e Zaat e Yakta Aap Haiñ

Mustafa e zaat e yakta aap haiñ,
Yak ne jisko yak banaya aap haiñ

The Chosen One, The most unique, You are,
The Unique one created by The One, You are.

Aap jaisa koi ho sakta nahi,
Apni har khoobi mein tanha aap haiñ.

The Matchless one, with no equal, You are,
In your every excellence matchless, You are.

Aab o gil mein noor ki pehli kiran,
Jaan e Adam jaan e Hawa aap haiñ.

The first ray of light in The nature of creation, You are
The soul of Adam, the soul of Hawa, You are.

Husn e awal ki namood e awaleen,
Bazm e aakhir ka ujala aap haiñ.

The first sign of the First splendour, You are
The shining light of the final gathering, You are.

Aap ki khaatir banaey do jahan,
Apni khaatir jo banaya aap haiñ.

For whom Both the worlds were created, You are
The Unique one (He) created for Him, You are.

Apki tal’at ko dekha jaan di
Qabr mein pohancha to dekha aap haiñ.

Upon your radiance, I sacrificed my life,
Upon reaching the grave, I saw there, You are.

Apki tal’at khuda kaa aaeena,
Jis main chamka haq ka jalwa aap hain.

Your radiance a (Pure Light) of the Almighty
In whom shines the Light of The Almighty, You are.

Aap se khud aap ka saail hun main,
Jaane jaan meri tamanna aap hain.

A Beggar of yours, Asking you, from you,
My life, my desire, O my Beloved, You are

Bardarat aamad gada behrey salam,
Ho bhala Akhtar ka daata aap hain.

A beggar has come to your court to present salutations,

May Akhtar be blessed, for his bestower of blessings, You are.

Translation of the Kalaam of Huzoor Taajush Shariah Hadrat Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan sahib Qibla ( May Allah Almighty preserve him)

Translated by khaakpaaye Imam Ahmad Raza Radi Allahu Anhu
Faqeer Mohammed Shakeel Qadiri Ridawi

With nazre karam of
Sag e Mufti e Azam

Muhammad Afthab Cassim Qaadiri Razvi Noori

Imam Mustafa Raza Research Centre, Durban, South Africa

Apr 29, 2017

Ze Rehmat Yak Nazar Bar Haal e Zaram Ya Rasool Allah ﷺ

Ze rehmat yak nazar bar haal-e-zaram Ya Rasool Allah

Ghareebam, beynawayam, khaaksaram Ya Rasool Allah

Tui taskeen-e-dil, araam-e-jaan, sabr o qarar-e-man

Rukh-e-pur noor banuma, bey qararam Ya Rasool Allah

Dam e aakhir numai jalwah deedar Jaami
Ze lutfe tu hamee umeedwaaram Ya Rasool Allah

Ya Rasool Allah Sall'Allahu Alaihi Wasallam, Please cast one blessed glance on my state,
I am in distress, in need of aid and assistance Ya Rasool Allah!
( Sall'Allahu Alaihi Wasallam)

Only you are the solace to my heart,
Only You are the comfort for my soul,
Only You are the peace and contentment for my heart.
Bless me with the honour of your Blessed vision for I am restless and yearning Ya Rasool Allah.
( Sall'Allahu Alaihi Wasallam)

When it is the time of death bless Jaami with the honour of your vision,
I live with this hope from your Mercy Ya Rasool Allah.
(Sall'Allahu Alaihi Wasallam)

Huzoor Molana Abdul Rahman Jami Alayhirrahmah.

Translated by khaakpaaye Imam Ahmad Raza Radi Allahu Anhu
Faqeer Mohammed Shakeel Qadiri Ridawi.

Imam Azam Abu Hanifa by Hadrat Abdullah ibn Mubarak Radi Allahu Anhhum

Imam al Muslimeen,Imam al Aimma Sayyidunaa Imam Azam Abu Hanifah Numaan Ibn Thabit Radi Allahu Taala Anhu 

by Hadrat Abdullah ibn Mubarak Radi Allahu anhu 

لقد زان البلاد ومن عليها 
إمام المسلمين أبو حنيفه 

امام المسلمين امام ابو حنیفه رضى الله عنه نے شہروں اور شہریوں کو زینت بخشی

Imam al Muslimeen Abu Hanifah Radi Allahu Anhu blessed the towns and its people with beauty. 

باحكام واثار وفقه 
كأيات الزبور على صحيفه

احکام (قرآن) آثار (احادیث) اور فقہ سے جیسے صحیفہ میں زبور کی آیات نے

With the beauty of Ahkaam (Quran e Kareem ) and Athaar (Ahadith Shareefah ) and with the beauty of Fiqh ,as the pages were decorated by the verses of the Zabur

فما في المشرقين له نظير 
ولا في المغربين ولا بكوفه 

کوفہ بلکہ مشرق و مغرب میں ان کی نظیر نہیں ملتی (یعنی روئے زمین میں ان جیسا کوئی نہیں ہے)

He has no parallel in Kufa 
or indeed the East or the West 

بيت مشمرا سهرا لليالي 
وصام نهاره لله خيفه 

(آپ) عبادت کے لئے مستعد بیداری میں راتیں بسر کرتے اور خوف (خدا) کی وجہ سے دن کو روزے رکھتے

He spent his nights in worship 
And fasted throughout the days out of fear of The Almighty 

وصان لسانه عن كل إفك 
وما زالت جوارحه عفيفه 

انہوں نے اپنی زبان ہر بہتان طرازی سے محفوظ رکھی اور ان کے اعضاء (ہر گناہ سے) پاک رہے

He kept his tongue free from blame and accusations 
And his body free from all sins 

يعف عن المحارم والملاهي 
ومرضاتة الإله له وظيفه 

آپ لہو و لعب اور حرام کاموں سے بچے رہے رضائے الہی کا حصول آپ کا وظیفہ تھا

He stayed away from all Haram and futile activities 
Gaining the Almighty's pleasure was his wazifah 

رايت العاتبين له سفاما  
خلاف الحق مع حجج ضعيفه

امام اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ کے نکتہ چین بے وقوف مخالف حق اور کمزور دلائل والے ہیں

The ones who pick faults, are foolish ,against the truth and with weak evidence 

وكيف يحل أن يو ذي فقيه
له في الأرض آثار شريفه

ایسے فقیہ کو کسی بھی وجہ سے تکلیف دینا کیونکر جائز  ہے جس کے علمی فیوض تمام دنیا میں پھیلے ہوئے ہے

How is it valid to cause pain to such a Faqeeh 
whose grace and favour of  knowledge has blessed the whole world

وقد قال ابن إدريس مقالا 
صحيح النقل في حكم لطيفه

حالانکہ صحيح روایت میں لطیف حکمتوں کے ضمن میں امام شافعی رضی اللہ عنہ نے فرمایا کہ

Imam Shafii has stated a saheehul naql in the hukm of lateef

بان الناس في فقه عيال 
على فقه الإمام أبي حنيفه

تمام لوگ فقہ میں امام ابو حنیفہ رضی اللہ عنہ کی فقہ کا محتاج ہیں

And that is, that everyone in fiqh is dependant on the fiqh of Imam Azam Abu Hanifah 

  فلعنة ربنا أعدد رمل 
على من زد قول أبي حنيفه

ریت کے ذروں کے برابر اس شخص پر اللہ تعالٰی کی لعنت ہو جو امام ابو حنیفہ رضی اللہ عنہ کے قول کو مردود قرار دے

May Allah's curse equal to the particles of sand 
be on those who disregard the qowl of Imam Azam Abu Hanifah. 


Translated by khaakpaaye Imam Ahmad Raza
Faqeer Mohammed Shakeel Qadiri Ridawi

Mar 20, 2017


Assalaamu alaikum,


Natumai hamjambo. Tunamalizia masimulizi ya Khalifa wa kwanza wa Kiislam, Sayyidina AbuBakr Siddiq RadwiyAllahu Anhu, ambaye aliiaga dunia hii mwezi 22 Mfungo 9, ambayo ni kesho Jumanne.



Baada ya kumshukuru Allah na kumtakia Rahma Mtume Muhammad , aya hapo juu ya 40 kutoka Sura Tawba inayoelezea fadhila mmojawapo ya Khalifa wa 1 wa Kiislam, Sayyidina AbuBakr Siddiq na ndiye tutakaemzungumzia kwani tarehe 22 ya mfungo huu 9 aliiaga dunia.

TAFSIRI: Wakati wawili (Mtume na Sy AbuBakr) walipokuwa ndani ya pango, mmoja alimuambia mwenzake usihuzunike, hakika Allah yuko pamoja nasi.


FADHILA: Ingawa Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddiq Radwiyallahu Anhu alikuwa mtu mwenye fadhila nyingi, lakini pamoja na yote hayo, kubwa zaidi ni kuwa vizazi vyake vinne (4) walikuwa Masahaba.  1 – Yeye mwenyewe Radwiyallahu Anhu.   2 – Baba yake, Abu Quhafa Radwiyallahu Anhu.    3 – Mwanae, AbdulRahman Radwiyallahu Anhu     4 – Mjukue, Abu Atiq Muhammad Radwiyallahu Anhu.


Baadhi ya mambo muhimu ya Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddiq Radwiyallahu Anhu alikuwa wa kwanza:

1 – Kusilimu.

2 – Kukiita Quran Tukufu "MSAHAFU" (Kitabu).

3 – Kuikusanya Quran Tukufu baada ya Mtume .

4 – Kupigana na makafiri

5 – Kuwa Khalifa

6 – Khalifa aliyeanza ukhalifa katika uhai wa baba yake.

7 – Kumchagua Khalifa atakaemfuata.

8 – Kujenga hazina.

9 – Kuitwa Khalifa.

10 – Kujenga Msikiti miongoni mwa Waislamu.

11 – Miongoni mwa wafuasi wa Mtume kuingia Peponi.


Kuhusu fadhila za Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddiq Radwiyallahu Anhu, kuna aya nyingi za Quran Tukufu na Hadithi pia; kati ya hizo Hadithi 181 zimepokelewa katika fadhila zake tu, Hadithi 88 zimepokelewa na Sayyidina Abu Bakr & Sayyidina Umar bin Khattab Radwiyallahu Anhuma, 17 zimepokelewa na Abu Bakr, Umar & Uthman bin Affan Radwiyallahu Anhum, 14 zimepokelewa na Makhalifa wote wanne, 16 zimepokelewa na Makhalifa wote wane pamoja na Masahaba wengine. Hivyo, katika jumla ya Hadithi 316, Mtume ametuthibitishia fadhila ya sahiba wake wa pango, Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddiq Radwiyallahu Anhu.



Matukio matatu muhimu sana yalitokea wakati wa Ukahlifa wake:

1. Mtume aliipeleka jeshi la Masahaba shupavu na wakati bado ilikuwa katika kitongoji cha mji wa Madina, Mtume aliiaga dunia. Baadhi ya Masahaba walimshauri Sy AbuBakr kuirejesha jeshi hilo ili kama kukitokea mchafuko wowote, basi watasaidia. Sy AbuBakr alisema hawezi kuirudisha jeshi ambalo Mtume alishaituma.


2. Alijitokeza Musailmah bin Kazzaab aliyedai utume, akawa na wafuasi laki moja. Sy AbuBakr aliituma jeshi ya Masahaba shupavu 10,000 kukabiliana nae huko Yamama. Waislamu hao wachache walishinda ila wale waliohifadhi Quran wapatao 700 waliuawa mashahidi. Baada ya hapo ndipo Sy AbuBakr alianza kazi ya kuikusanya Quran iwe msahafu.



3. Kundi la Masahaba walimjia Sy AbuBakr wakidai kuwa kwa kuwa Mtume ameshaiaga dunia, basi na wao hawatatoa zaka. Sy AbuBakr alisimama kwa ujasiri na kutangaza jihad dhidi yao na kusema kuwa kila yule aliyetoa japo mbuzi, atahakikisha anafanya hivyo.

Imani ina matawi 360 na Sy AbuBakr alijaaliwa matawi yote. Siku ya Qiyama, kila atakaeingia Peponi, ataitwa kupitia mlango maalumu kutokana na alivyo kithirisha ibada fulani; mfano kama mtu alikithirisha sana saumu, basi ataitwa kupitia mlango wa wenye kufunga saum. Sy AbuBakr ataitwa kupitia milango yote, inamaanisha alikuwa mkamilifu wa kila ibada.


Maswali na maoni yanakaribishwa.

Jazak Allah.

Mar 14, 2017


Assalaamu alaikum,


Natumai hamjambo. Tunaendelea na masimulizi ya Khalifa wa kwanza wa Kiislam, Sayyidina AbuBakr Siddiq RadwiyAllahu Anhu, ambae siku yake ni Jumanne ya tarehe 21/3/2017..



Baada ya kumshukuru Allah na kumtakia Rahma Mtume Muhammad , aya hapo juu ya 40 kutoka Sura Tawba inayoelezea fadhila mmojawapo ya Khalifa wa 1 wa Kiislam, Sayyidina AbuBakr Siddiq na ndiye tutakaemzungumzia kwani tarehe 22 ya mfungo huu 9 aliiaga dunia.

TAFSIRI: Wakati wawili (Mtume na Sy AbuBakr) walipokuwa ndani ya pango, mmoja alimuambia mwenzake usihuzunike, hakika Allah yuko pamoja nasi.


Sy Abubakr alipofuatana na Mtume kutoka Makkah kuhamia Madina, njiani alimbeba Mtume mgongoni na kutembea juu ya vidole vya mguu kwa kuhofia makafiri wasije kuyafuata vikanyago. Walipojipumzisha kwenye pango, Sy Abubakr aliingia kwanza kuisafisha na kuziba matundu yote, kisha ikabaki tundu moja tu, aliloziba kwa kidole cha mguu. Kumbe ndani alikuwa nyoka wa zama za Mtume Musa aliyetaka kumuona Mtume . Aliposhindwa kupita kwenye matundu, ndipo alimng'ata Sy Abubakr. Kwa kuwa Mtume aliweka kichwa chake kitukufu kwenye paja la Sy Abubakr na alilala, Sy Abubakr alivumilia sana maumivu makali ya kung'atwa na nyoka na wala hakutikisika. Ila machozi yalibubujika kwenye uso tukufu wa Mtume na ndipo Mtume aliamka na kufahamishwa hali halisi. Mtume alimpaka mate yake matukufu Sy Abubakr sehemu alipong'atwa na maumivu yalitoweka.



Wakati wa ugonjwa wake, Mtume alimsimamisha kwenye nafasi yake Sy Abubakr kuwa Imamu wa Masahaba.


Mtume alipoaga dunia, Masahab walichangayikiwa kabisa na Sy Umar alitembea na panga akisema "yeyote atakaesema kuwa Mtume ametuondoka, basi nitamuua". Lakini Allah Alimjaalia ushupavu Sy Abubakr, alipoingia Msikitini na kuanza kuwatuliza Masahaba, kisha alisimama juu ya mimbar. Alisoma aya ya 144 ya Sura Aali Imran : na Muhammad hakuwa ila ni Mtume. Na wamekwishapita kabla yake Mitume, je akifariki na kuuawa basi mtageuka kurudi nyuma? Na atakaegeuka kurudi nyuma, huyo hatamdhuru kitu Allah. Na Allah Atawalipa wanaomshukuru. Baada ya kumaliza aya hiyo ndipo Masahaba walitulia.


Alichaguliwa Khalifa wa Kiislamu kwa kura zote za Masahaba wote akiwemo Sayyidina Ali RadwiyAllahu Anhu, aliyekiri kuwa yule aliyechaguliwa na Mtume kuiongoza umma katika sala (imamu), basi bila shaka anapaswa kuwa Khalifa wetu. Ieleweke kuwa mwenye kupinga Usahaba wa AbuBakr, basi bila shaka anazikataa aya za Quran Tukufu na kwa hali hiyo atajiondoa katika Uislam.


Sayyidina AbuBakr alikuwa mjasiri na shupavu sana kiasi cha kwamba wakati wa Mtume kuiaga dunia, baadhi ya mambo magumu yalijitokeza lakini aliyatatua kwa ujasiri mkubwa. Mmojawapo ikiwa: Mtume alituma jeshi la Masahaba shupavu na bado walikuwa ndani ya kitongoji cha mji wa Madina wakati Mtume alipoiaga dunia. Baadhi ya Masahaba walipomuomba Sayyidina AbuBakr kurejesha jeshi hilo ili kukabiliana na vurugu ikiwa zitatokea, alikataa kwa madai kuwa Mtume alishaituma jeshi hilo na hivyo yeye hawezi kuirejesha.


Pia baadhi ya Masahaba walikataa kutoa zaka baada ya Mtume kuiaga dunia, lakini Sayyidina AbuBakr kwa ujasiri wake alihakikisha kila mstahiki wa kutoa zaka anatekeleza amri hiyo hata kama ikibidi kukabiliana nao kwa jihad.


Bado hali ilikuwa haijatulia vizuri, mara akajitokeza Musailm bin Kazzaab aliyedai utume. Wafuasi wake walifikia 100,000 dhidi ya jeshi la Waislam kiasi cha 10,000; Waislam walishinda vita hivyo.


Maswali na maoni yanakaribishwa.



Mar 13, 2017


Assalaamu alaikum,


Natumai hamjambo. Mfungo tulionao ni wa TISA (JAMADI-UL-AKHAR), ambamo katika tarehe 22, Khalifa wa kwanza wa Kiislam, Sayyidina AbuBakr Siddiq RadwiyAllahu Anhu aliiaga dunia hii. Ifuatayo ni risala fupi kuhusu baadhi ya fadhila zake.



Baada ya kumshukuru Allah na kumtakia Rahma Mtume Muhammad , aya hapo juu ya 40 kutoka Sura Tawba inayoelezea fadhila mmojawapo ya Khalifa wa 1 wa Kiislam, Sayyidina AbuBakr Siddiq na ndiye tutakaemzungumzia kwani tarehe 22 ya mfungo huu 9 aliiaga dunia.

TAFSIRI: Wakati wawili (Mtume na Sy AbuBakr) walipokuwa ndani ya pango, mmoja alimuambia mwenzake usihuzunike, hakika Allah yuko pamoja nasi.


Jina lake hasa ni Abdullah, ila AbuBakr likawa maarufu na Siddiq alipewa na Mtume kwa kusadikisha msafara wa Miiraj. AbuBakr kamwe hakuabudu masanamu hata kabla ya kusilimu wala hakuwahi kunywa pombe kipindi bado haijaharamishwa; na alisema hawezi kutumwa kinywaji kinachoua akili ya binadamu. Baada ya kuwa na uwezo kutembea, baba yake (Abu Quhafa) alimpeleka mbele ya sanamu na kumuambia kuwa huyu (sanamu) ndiye mungu wetu anaetulisha, visha na kutupa kila kitu. Sy AbuBakr akasimama mbele ya sanamu na kusema: mimi nina njaa nilishe, nina kiuu ninyweshe, sina nguo nivishe. Alipoona kimya, alichukua jiwe na kulipiga sanamu na ikaanguka. Baba yake alikasirika sana na kumpiga kibao kisha kumburuza hadi nyumbani na akamwambia mkewe : hebu mfundishe mwanao, leo kampiga mungu wetu, hana adabu huyo. Mkewe alimjibu: ewe Abu Quhafa, naomba usimwambie chochote huyu mwanetu, kwani nilipomzaa nilisikia sauti ikisema: umebarikiwa mtoto atakaekuwa rafiki wa karibu wa Muhammad , Mtume wa mwisho. Mimi simjui huyu Muhammad ni nani.


Kisa cha kusilimu kwake; Sy AbuBakr alikuwa katika safari zake za biashara nchini Shaam (Syria), ambapo padiri mmoja aliziona alama fulani zilizotajwa kwenye vitabu vya kikristo kuhusu Sy AbuBakr. Padiri alimuambia arudi Makkah haraka kwani rafiki yake wa karibu, Mtume , atakapotangaza Utume, yeye awe karibu nae. Sy AbuBakr alipofika kwa Mtume , alimwambia kuwa anamuamini sana ila anahitaji aonyeshwe muujiza mmoja tu ili roho yake itulie. Mtume alimuambia kuwa anahitaji muujiza gani zaidi ya kuambiwa na padiri huko nchi ya Shaam kuhusu kutangaza kwangu Utume. Papo kwa hapo Sy AbuBakr alisilimu. Hivyo alikuwa wa mwanzo kusilimu.


Sy AbuBakr alijitolea mali yake yote kwa ajili ya Mtume na Uislam. Baada ya kusilimu tu, Sy AbuBakr alimletea Mtume dinar 40,000 kwa matumizi atakavyo Mtume mwenyewe. Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam alisema kuwa Uislamu umepata faida sana kupitia mali ya Sy AbuBakr kuliko mali ya Sahaba yeyote.


Sy Abubakr hakuabudu sanamu wala kunywa pombe, kabla ya kusilimu, na katika enzi ambazo ilikuwa haiajaharamishwa na kusema kuwa pombe inaua akili ya binadamu kwa hiyo sikuona sababu kuitumia ambapo inanipa hasara tu!


Sy Abubakr alikuwa karibu sana na Mtume kila mara. Mtume Swall-Allahu Alaihi Wasallam amesema kuwa kila aliyempa wito wa Uislamu, kwanza alikataa isipokuwa Sy Abubakr aliyekubali mara moja.


Sy Abubakr ndiye aliyemkomboa Bilal bin Rabah kwa pesa nyingi mno pale alipoteswa kwa sababu ya kusilimu.


Maswali na maoni yanakaribishwa.



Feb 10, 2017

Nazar Pe Kisi Ki Nazar Ho Rahi Hai (Complete Transliteration)

Nazar Pe Kisi Ki Nazar Ho Rahi Hai,
Meri Chashm Kaane Gohar Ho Rahi Hai.

Mere Khufiyah Naaloñ Ko Who Sun Rahe Haiñ,
‘Inaayat Kisi Ki Idhar Ho Rahi Hai.

Who Taiba Meiñ Mujhko Talab Kar Raheiñ Haiñ,
Talab Meri Ab Mu’tabar Ho Rahi Hai.

Huwa Taalib E Taiba Matloob E Taiba,
Talab Teri Ae Muntazir Ho Rahi Hai.

Madine Meiñ Hooñ Aur Pichla Peher Hai,
Shab e Zindagi Ki Sahar Ho Rahi Hai.

Nayi Zindagi Ki Woh Me De Rahe Haiñ,
Meri Zindagaani Amar Ho Rahi Hai.

Madine Se Meri Balaa Jaaye AKHTAR,
Meri Zindagi Waqf e Dar Ho Rahi Hai.

Jan 26, 2017

Mustafa e Zaat e Yakta Aap Haiñ + English Translation

Mustafa e zaat e yakta aap hain,
Yak ne jisko yak banaya aap hain.

The Chosen One, The most unique, You are,

The Unique one created by The One, You are.

Aap jaisa koi ho sakta nahi,
Apni har khoobi mein tanha aap hain.

The Matchless one, with no equal, You are,
In your every excellence matchless, You are.

Aab o gil mein noor ki pehli kiran,
Jaan e Adam jaan e Hawa aap hain.

The first ray of light in The nature of creation, You are

The soul of Adam, the soul of Hawa, You are.

Husn e awal ki namood e awaleen,
Bazm e aakhir ka ujala aap hain.

The first sign of the First splendour, You are

The shining light of the final gathering, You are.

Aap ki khaatir banaey do jahan,
Apni khaatir jo banaya aap hain.

For whom Both the worlds were created, You are

The Unique one (He) created for Him, You are.

Apki tal’at ko dekha jaan di
Qabr mein pohancha to dekha aap hain.

Upon your radiance, I sacrificed my life,
Upon reaching the grave, I saw there, You are.

Apki tal’at khuda kaa aaeena,
Jis main chamka haq ka jalwa aap hain.

Your radiance a (Pure Light) of the Almighty

In whom shines the Light of The Almighty, You are.

Aap se khud aap ka saail hun main,
Jaane jaan meri tamanna aap hain.

A Beggar of yours, Asking you, from you,
My life, my desire, O my Beloved, You are

Bardarat aamad gada behrey salam,
Ho bhala Akhtar ka daata aap hain.

A beggar has come to your court to present salutations,

May Akhtar be blessed, for his bestower of blessings, You are.

Translation of the Kalaam of Huzoor Taajush Shariah Hadrat Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan sahib Qibla ( May Allah Almighty preserve him)

Translated by
Sag e Mufti e Azam

Muhammad Afthab Cassim Qaadiri Razvi Noori

Imam Mustafa Raza Research Centre, Durban, South Africa

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