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Sep 16, 2014

Short Ahadeeth Collection - 16 Septmber 2014

Hidden actions are 70 times better than actions done publicly. [Kanz al-Ummal, Vol. 1, Page 447, #Hadith 1929]

Whoever prays 2 units of Salah and does not make any mistakes, Allah forgives his past sins. [#Musnad #Imam #Ahmad, V8, P162, #Hadith 21749]

#Whoever purifies himself and leaves his house for #Fard #Salah, his reward is like a person who performed #Hajj. [#AbuDawud, #Hadith 558]

If you have mercy on animal, Allah will have mercy on you. [#Musnad #Imam #Ahmad, Vol. 5, Page 304, #Hadith 15592]

Indeed, #Sadaqah (charity) extinguishes the wrath of Allah and distances bad death. [#Sunan #Tirmidhi, Vol. 2, Page 146, #Hadith 664]

Correct your link with #Allah by remembering Him abundantly and giving #Sadaqah in abundance, secretly and openly. [#IbnMajah, #Hadith 1081]

Those who perform good deeds in the world will, indeed, receive goodness in the afterlife. [Kanz al-Ummal, Vol. 6, Page 147, #Hadith 15962]

#Wise is the one who takes an account of his deeds and prepares himself for #death. [#Tirmidhi, Vol. 4, Page 207, #Hadith 2467]


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