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Sep 11, 2013

River Nile Flowing Stronger...

When Egypt was conquered by the Muslims, there was a custom to throw a girl in the Nile River on the 11th night of one of the non-Arabic months in order that the Nile would continue to flow. It was believed that without throwing a girl into it, the Nile would not flow. Amr Ibn al-Aas wrote to the Caliph Hadrar 'Umar concerning this custom. Hadrar 'Umar sent a message to the Nile saying:

"If you were flowing before by your own power, we do not want you to run and if Allah is the one who makes you flow, we ask the Almighty to make you flow."

Amr Ibn al-Aas threw the letter of Hadrat 'Umar into the Nile one day before the Christian commemoration of the crucifixion. The following morning they woke up to find the river flowing stronger and had gone up 48 feet in one night.

[Ibn Hajar, in Al-Sawa'iq]

Subhan Allah!!!


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