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Oct 31, 2013

Collection of Ahadith on Separation and Serving Ties

» It is not halaal upon a person to leave (i.e. stay away from) his brother for more than three days, to the extent that when both of them meet, one turns his face to one side whilst the other turns away in the other direction; and the best amongst both of them is the one who precedes in conveying Salaam. [Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Page 120, Hadith 6077]

» It is not halaal upon a true believer, that he should desert (i.e. leave) another Momin for more than three days. If three days have passed, he should meet with him and convey Salaam. If the second person replied to the Salaam, then both are equal in the reward and if he did not reply, then it is he who is charged with its sin, and the person (who conveyed salaam) is released from the sin of leaving him. [Sunan Abi Dawud, Vol. 4, Page 324, Hadith 4912]

» It is not the way of a Muslim to leave another Muslim for more than three days. When you meet him, convey Salaam to him thrice, and if he does not say Salaam, then he is charged with the sin of this as well. [Sunan Abi Dawud, Vol. 4, Page 324, Hadith 4913]

» It is not halaal upon a Muslim, to desert his brother for more than three days. So whosoever did this and died, he has gone into hell. [Sunan Abi Dawud, Vol. 4, Page 324, Hadith 4914]

» One who leaves his brother for an entire year, is equivalent to murdering him. [Sunan Abi Dawud, Vol. 4, Page 324, Hadith 4915]

» Whoever prefers that a palace be built for him in Paradise, should forgive the person who is unjust with him, and give to the one who deprives him and mend relations with the one who tries to break ties with him. [Al-Mustadrak, Vol. 3, Page 12, Hadith 3215]

» On the 15th night of Sha'ban, Allah reveals His specific attribute to the whole of creation and forgives everyone except the unbeliever and the one who has malice (in his heart for another Muslim). [Sahih Ibn Hibban, Vol. 7, Page 470, Hadith 5636]

» Our Beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said, "In Laylat al-Qadr, Jibrail (Alayhis Salam), accompanied by a large number of angels, descends onto the earth with a green flag he hoists on the top of the Ka'bah. Jibrail (Alayhis Salam) has 100 arms, two of which he opens only at this night. His arms spread across the east and the west. Then Jibrail (Alayhis Salam) commands the angels to say Salam and shake hands with every Muslim who is offering Salah or making the Dhikr of Allah and to say Aameen to their supplications. This process continues till dawn (Subh-e-Sadiq).

In the morning, Jibrail commands all the angels to return. The angels say ‘O Jibrail what about the needs of the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad? Jibrail replies, ‘Allah has seen them with mercy and has forgiven all of them except four types of people.’

The honourable companions asked, ‘Ya RasoolAllah (SallAllahu Alayka wa Sallam)! Who are those four types of people?’ He replied,

(1) Alcoholics
(2) Disobedient to parents
(3) Those who break ties with relatives
(4) Those who bear malice and grudge against each other and break ties. [Shu’ab al-Iman, Vol. 3, Page 336, Hadith 3695]


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