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Oct 5, 2013

Hajj Special (Part 3)

After this, when you throw stones at the Shaitaan, your purpose should be obedience to your Creator. The idea is to drive Shaitaan away from you.

Such should be the various duties of the pilgrim at all stages of the Hajj. When all acts are completed, your heart should be filled with concern and hope, for you do not know whether your Hajj has been accepted or rejected. Yet after completion you realise that your inner and outer self has been filled with enthusiasm and love, and you have a genuine feeling of making Ibaadah, then remember that you have been placed among the chosen ones!

Hajj is without doubt the culmination of a great festival - a festival where Muslims from different parts of the worlds of different financial background, status, language and skin come together. This gathering of Muslims is not for fun, amusement or holiday; the main purpose of Hajj is to engross oneself in the worship of Allah Ta’ala. Hajj also demonstrates the concept of universal brotherhood, as during Hajj there is no difference between a poor or wealthy, Arab or non-Arab, educated or illiterate, etc. By putting on the Ihraam, a Muslim is made to think about death and leaving this world with only a simple piece of cloth that he has to wear in the Qabar.


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