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May 2, 2014

A True Believer Sees with the Noor of Allah

Our beloved Nabi صلٰى الله عليه و سلم said, beware of the sight of a true believer, for verily he sees through the Noor of Allah.

How blessed are these true and beloved servants of Allah who have been blessed with such excellence in this world that they are able to see with the Noor of Allah!

Undoubtedly, their eyes and hearts are filled with Noor, and they are able to observe that which our weak eyes are unable to see. These are the blessed and beloved servants of Allah that even though they may not be able to see physically or if they have lost their physical vision, they are still able to see better than those of us with sharp and powerful vision. How is this so? It is simple to understand for those who have been blessed with the love of the beloveds.

They are able to see the secrets of the unseen world and so powerful are their sights that they are able to see centuries ahead. This is why it is very import that we should be cautious of the sight of a true believer. When sitting in their company our hearts should be in order. These are those beloved servants that cannot be fooled by the fake outer appearance of pretentious people, but they are those who after lowering their heads, and closing their eyes, they able to look into our hearts and whilst they observe our conditions on the Protected Tablet.

May the sights of the Awliyah fall upon our hearts, allowing our hearts to be cleansed so that we too may see in it the manifestations of the Noor of Allah and His beloved Nabi صلٰى الله عليه و سلم .

Jummah Mubaarak!
Rajab Shareef Mubaarak!


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