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Jun 28, 2014

The Importance of Giving Sadaqa (Voluntary Charity)

The Blessed Month of Ramadaan is approaching us swiftly and we are looking forward to reaping its blessings and rewards. During this month of Ramadaan Muslims distribute their Zakaat and Sadaqaat with open hearts and the generosity of the believers is usually at its best. With the exception of giving our obligatory Charity (i.e. our Zakaat), we should also attempt both in Ramadaan and out of Ramadaan to give Sadaqa in abundance, as this is a means of great benefit to a believer.

Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallam) said, The shade of a Muslim on the Day of Qiyaamat is his Sadaqa. [Ahmed]

Anas (radi Allahu anhu) reported that Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Sallam) said, When Almighty Allah created the earth, it began to tremble, so Allah created the mountains and placed them on it, so the earth became stable. The Angels were astonished at the strength of the mountains. They said, O Allah! Is there anything in your creation which is stronger than a mountain? Almighty Allah said, Yes, Iron. They said, is there something stronger than iron? Almighty Allah said, Yes, Fire. They said, is there something stronger (more powerful) than fire? Allah said, yes, water. They said, is there something more powerful than water? Allah said, yes, the wind. They said, is there something more powerful than the wind? Almighty Allah said, yes, Ibn Adam (a man) who gives Sadaqa with his right hand and even hides this (deed) from his left hand.[Tirmizi]

Allah bless us with the Taufeeq to be generous in His way and in the love of the believers. Aameen!!


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