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Nov 17, 2013

Brief Biography - Huzoor Mufti Azam e Hind (Alaihir Rahma)

Birth: 22nd Zilhajj 1310

Name : Muhammad Mustafa Raza

Title: Hadrat Mufti-e-Azam

Father: Aala Hadrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan

Murshid: Hadrat Abul Hussain Ahmad-e-Noori

1328 Hijri: Completion of Studies at the age of 18

1328 Hijri: Issued First Fatawa

1329 Hijri : Nikah

1336 Hijri: Establishment of Jamaat-e-Raza-e- Mustafa

1339 Hijri: Appointment as Head Mufti

1342 Hijri: Five Hundred Thousand hindus accept
Islam at his hands

1343 Hijri: Sent a Delegation to Bihar and Orrisa with the mission of Islam

1354 Hijri: A Collection of his Naats Samaan-e- Bakhshish published

1359 Hijri: Establishment of Darul Uloom Mazhar- e-Islam

1359 Hijri: Journeyed all over India preaching against increasing infidelity

1368 Hijri: Plan to compile course in Urdu studies

1386 Hijri: Teaching of Ifta to his grandson Hadrat Akhtar Raza Khan Qibla

1396 Hijri: Fatawa against Nasbandi vasectomy and refuted Indira Gandhi

1402 Hijri: Travelled into the hereafter on the eve of 14th Muharram


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