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Nov 9, 2013

#Ahadith #Muharram #Ashura #Fast #Hasan #Husayn

#Hasan and #Husayn are chiefs of the youths of #Paradise; their friend is our friend and their foe is our foe. [#Tirmidhi, #Hadith 3800]

The fast of every day of #Muharram is equivalent to the fasts of one month. [#Tabarani, Mu’jam al-Saghir, Vol. 2, Page 87, #Hadith 1580]

The Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said, "Leaving Ramadan, the fast of #Muharram is most superior." [#Muslim, Page 866, #Hadith 2756]

Fasting on Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Muharram, brings the reward of two years of worship. [#Tabarani, Vol.1, Page 485, #Hadith 1789]

Fast on the day of #Ashura and go against the Jews, fast a day before it or after it as well. [Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 1, Page 518, Hadith 2154]

The Holy Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) always preferred fasting on the day of #Ashura over any other day. [#Bukhari, #Hadith 2006]

I have presumption from #Allah that #fast on #Ashura removes the sins of the previous year. [#Sahih #Muslim, Page 590, #Hadith 1162

Whoever applies Ismad Surmah (Kohl) to his eyes on the day of #Ashura, his eyes shall never hurt. [Shu’ab al-Iman, V3, P367, #Hadith 3797]


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