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Nov 12, 2013

MUT'A (Temporary Marriage) in Shi'a Madh'hab

1.) "It is disliked but permissable to have Mutah with a prostitute, especially (it will be more enjoyable) if she is famous for her prostitution."

2.) One time 'Muta' reward is Jannat.

3.) When the couple sit in Solitude, angels protect them.

4.) Their Speech is Tasbeeh.

5.) When they touch hands, sins fall from their fingers.

6.) When they Kiss, reward of Hajj and Umrah for both.

7.) On bathing - every drop from each hair brings reward of 10 Thawabs, 10 sins drop, stages raised by 10 fold.

8.) From every drop of water, angels created to make Tasbeeh till Qiyaamat.

9.) 'Muta' with believing women is like 70 times journey to Ka'aba.

10.) Contractors of 'Muta' will cross the 'Pul Siraat' like a flash of lightning.

11.) After making muta Once - The stage of Hussain is reached. After making muta twice -The stage of Hasan is reached. After making muta thrice- The stage of Ali is reached. After making Muta Fourth- The satge of Rasulullaah (Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam) is reached.

References: (1.) Tahrirul Wasillah Vol-2 P292. (2.) Ujul - e- Hasana P15. (4.) Ibid.( 5.) Ibid.( 6.) Ibid. (7.) Ibid. (8.) Ibid. (9.) Ujul - e- Hasana P16.(10.) Ujul - e- Hasana P17. (11.) Tafseer Mianjajus Sadiqeen 1:356.



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